THIS IS MY COMMANDMENT

"This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you." John 15:12

Love is from the Greek "Agapao". This word does not represent an emotional love, but rather a self-sacrificing, obedient fulfilling of duty.

LOVE SUFFERETH LONG; [Love is very patient.]

AND IS KIND; [Love is understanding and tries to find a way to be helpful.]

LOVE ENVIETH NOT; [Is never jealous of the gifts, talents, or position of others.]

LOVE VAUNTETH NOT ITSELF, [Love makes no parade of itself, nor is anxious to impress others.]

IS NOT PUFFED UP, [Is never arrogant or conceited.]


SEEKETH NOT ITS OWN, [Never insists on having its own way, is never self-seeking.]

IS NOT PROVOKED, [Is never irritable or touchy.]

TAKETH NOT ACCOUNT OF EVIL; [Is not resentful and takes no notice of the wrong done to it.]

REJOICETH NOT IN UNRIGHTEOUSNESS, [Love finds no joy in sin.]

BUT REJOICETH WITH THE TRUTH; [It finds great joy in
doing God's will.]

BEARETH ALL THINGS, [Love is slow to expose the faults in others and finds a way to overlook them.]

BELIEVETH ALL THINGS, [Is always eager to believe the best about others and trust them.]

HOPETH ALL THINGS, [Love is confident in God's providence in all circumstances.]

ENDURETH ALL THINGS; [Accepts present circumstances as being God's will."]

CAPS - 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 ASV; [Commentary]

Love is not something that we "feel" for another, but rather, something that we "do" in ourselves. It is the very death of self.

Harold and Donna Kupp

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