The regular monthly Cooken meeting was called to order by President KD8DZ, Mike Mickelson, at 12:00 noon on December 10 at the COTC Library.
A shortened business meeting was held. Treasurer John W8NM reported the current cash on hand as reported on KeepandShare Treasures Report. Eldon W5UHQ reported the web list of current members had been updated per John's paid up database and and shows 23 paid members for 2011-2012 year.
Other old business: Bob W3HKK proposed to establish a new policy for QSL management and offered his services as the initial manager. Bob had written up a comprehensive plan. After a brief discussion, it was moved and seconded to adopt his white paper as a Cooken Coninutinuing Resolution. This is our first continuing resolution. According to Roberts Rules, such resolutions simply document policy type decisions made by majority of club members and can be ammended at any time by simple majority vote. The resoution in it's entirety can be found on the Appendix By-Laws tab of
Bob W3HKK reminded everyone of an upcoming antenna raising party to be held at the "Barn" on December 16 weather cooperating. The barn is scheduled to be used during two 160 meter contests in January and February.
The business meeting adjourned at 12:20 and was followed by a great Pizza and Pop lunch courtesy of the Cooken treasury and provided by Jack Guilkey.