Meeting was called to order by President Mike Mickelson at 12:00 Noon at the COTC Library on September 15.
W8NM presented the books. We have a current balance of $580.46 with 11 paid members as of that day.
The new trustees reported that they will all be using Kevin's post office box for their FCC address...
Bob, w3hkk reported that our club has made 4686 qsos this year during special events and contests. He asked for volunteers to opeate during the PA QSO party and the CQ WW DX contests coming up.
A motion was made and seconded to reiburse Bob, W3HKK ~ $75.00 for 500 tri-call qsl cards. The callsign trustees will send qsl's out to those we receive, however there will be no change in our policy of using LOTW for default outgoing unless paper is requested.
It was decided informally without a motion to discontinue our use of the "Barn" for winter contest events. Since we now have a warm place to operate at Brad's everyone agreed to take up his offer.
We did agree that we should get with Craig Holman and put up a tower that he can use and we could use it for vhf contests in the summer. Brad and Kevin will report back later with a plan.
The members discussed a plaque of appreciation to WD8E as he completed his term of trustee for Cooken and has dropped his membership.
Brad will organize and lead the VE effort for an exam session on November 10th at 1:00 PM.
The business meeting adjourned at 1305 and was followed by an excellent presentation on tower maintenance safety by AC8GX.