Thanks to Bret KD8SCL for filling in as interim secretary. We are trying to recover minutes from the past months. Be patient while we search.
Location – Warner Library on COTC Campus Meeting called to order by President Russ Payne (W8ATA) President Russ Payne asked for a back-up secretary, Bret Stemen KD8SCL agreed to take meeting notes. Meeting Attendees:
Treasurer’s Report: Fund Balance: $682.74 Club dues are due.
Committee Reports: Contest: Nothing was reported
ARES Report: K8NQ
Weldon K8NQ & Mike KD8DZ met with Terry @ LMH. LMH is installing another VHF/UHF antenna. HEPA concerns: possible HEPA training. Ohio SET 10/4/2014, Rolling black-out of the MARCS system, activation of ARES & served agencies. CERT/ARES trailer: Work continues.
CERT Report: W5UHQ Would like participation on the CERT Net. May need help with programing of the radios in the trailer and finish set-up. Nifty books for the radios.
Old Business: None
New Business: Received a “Thank You” card from Pan-Ohio Received a $20 donation from Millersport Lions Club Sweet Corn Festival from our support and help. Repeater Activity: President Russ (W8ATA) brought up that some people and using inappropriate language and making negative comments about our county departments on the repeater, request them to move to a simplex frequency and not on the repeater.
Meeting was adjourned.
Eldon (W5UHQ) gave a presentation on NVIS titled “In State Communication Techniques for ARES” |