COOKEN MINUTES FOR November 10th, 2012
1. Call to order by Mike Mickelson, KD8DZ.
2. Several new visitors were present and introduced which will be taking the exam today. They are all listed on the CERT page of website.
3. Minutes of the October meeting are on the KeepandShare tab of COOKEN Web site.
4. Treasurer's Report as of November 10th , 2012. Fund Balance: $727.54 = $622.54 in bank +$105 in un-deposited funds Number of members: 19 Number with FCC licenses: 17 One new member as of Nov. 10th.
5. President's report/Remarks: Some QST CDs were donated along with a Repeater Directory for new licensees.
6. Committee Reports and Announcements a. WWCQ contest results…W3HKK Bob reported that 731 contacts were made. We ranked 1st inOhio for the January 160 m contest. b. OO Advisory… AC8GI We received an official observer notice for being out of band for the WWCQ contest on 20 M c. Upcoming tests… W3HKK
7. Old Business: a. Vote on the changes to the constitution and by-laws as published on the Home page and copied to the membership via email. Report by Secretary on votes by mail and email. Eldon moved and Jack seconded approving the changes to the club constitution and by-laws. Approval was by unanimous consent. The new constitution is posted on the website tab COOKEN Constitution.
8. New Business: None.
9. VE Exam session: a. VE Exams at 1:00. Sixteen persons took the exam and all passed. Several of the examinees requested to become new COOKEN members and thus are eligible for VE rebates . They are listed on the CERT page and the December membership page. Those members were requested to bring a copy of their new license to Treasurer for re-inbursement.
10. Comments and announcements. Weldon reported on the State ARES meeting held last Saturday. Steve reported on the ARES Ohio SSB net last Tuesday. N8WL and KD8DZ checked in forLickingCounty. The net meets at 6PM Tuesdays on 3875 kHz LSB, following on 7240 kHz LSB and finally on 3582 kHz digital (either MT63 or Olivia). Weldon reported that the Winter Run will be Sunday Feb. 17, 2013 run North of Granville and ARES/CERT will participate. Mansfield Ham Fest will be Sunday Feb. 10th 2013.
10. Meeting adjournment. Motion to adjourn and seconded at 12:45