Agenda 004 Proposals


15 Minutes - Pre-Lab Setup: Get lab Blender-ready.

First Hour - Open Blender Social - Have fun, show and tell, etc.


15 Minute Social Break


2nd Hour - Hybrid Tutorial/Lessons/Lecture - Beginner/Intermediate Topics:  (Use the comments to suggest a topic.)

15 Minute Social Break


3rd Hour - Workshop - Mastering the "Exploding Text" Tutorial:  (Use the comments to suggest a topic.)


15 Minutes Admin Wrap-Up: Clean-up lab, take care of business, etc.


8 / 20 posts
Feb 3, 2013  ( 1 post )  
Portland Blender User Group (porbug)


I posted the bookmark for the BlenderDiplom tutorial ("Dissolve your Logo...") after thoroughly reviewing it.  Consequently, I apparently bookmarked the second page.


For those who referenced the BlenderDiplom bookmark before this posting, and you didn't realize you were starting the tutorial in its middle, look again.


My apologies for any confusion this may have caused.

Jan 30, 2013  ( 7 posts )  
Portland Blender User Group (porbug)


The first links have been added to the new BOOKMARKS folder called "Meeting/Project Related."


It would probably be helpful if anyone add additional links to preface it with "AGENDA 004:"



Multiversal Empires Collaboration Project (jenuvyel)


philmaker, I will be posting links to tutorials I've found (especially the one I think ?Vincent? was referring to, the one I tried and failed).


I encourage all to post links to other similar & supportive tutorials as well.



Multiversal Empires Collaboration Project (jenuvyel)


Based on our past meetings, it doesn't look like we need or care about 15 minute social breaks.


The past meetings' flow seemed casual enough that individuals could leave and return without disruption or loss.


Maybe we should suggest at each meeting if any want to request a break to avoid missing anything, the group will accommodate informal flex-time breaks?



Philip Modin (philmaker)

Nevermind, you already addressed that. I saved my comment late.

Can you post that tutorial you were referring to?

Philip Modin (philmaker)

Are we leaning more towards text, or smoke? I remember someone mentioned something about "text up in smoke." So is it anything related to smoke goes, or anything related to text goes?

Multiversal Empires Collaboration Project (jenuvyel)




In absence of a thoughtfully organized newb introduction for the 2nd Hour block, we might consider getting developmental input for such an intro from all present, including and especially from all newbs present.


(I don't know why we didn't think of this sooner)


Multiversal Empires Collaboration Project (jenuvyel)


We had a handful of new faces at our January meeting!  One of these first-timers (forgive me, I remember the face, but not the name... I think it was Vincent, but I could be completely wrong) suggested that he would like to see or get assistance in successfully completing a tutorial on dissintegrating text.  I was at least one who chimed in with my failure to successfully complete the same (or similar) tutorial.


After a short discussion, about 4 or 5 of us unofficially agreed that we should suggest this as the 3rd Hour Workshop for the February meeting.


So, the proposition open for discussion and change is:  Those who are intrigued can share their mastery of exploding or dissintegrating text with those of us who still find it a bit too challenging.


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