Meeting Minutes - February 2014



  • Location – Warner Library on COTC Campus.
  • Meeting called to order by President Kevin Page – AC8GI.
  • Meeting Attendees:


    • KD8TIZ
    • AC8GI
    • K8EM
    • K8NQ
    • N8WL
    • KD8TNS
    • KD8DZ
    • W8SDS
    • W5UHQ
    • W3HKK

  • Treasurer's Report
      • Fund Balance:$590.74.
      • 25 members currently
  • Committee reports:
    • Contest
      • CQWW 160 SSB Feb 21st – 23rd
      • ARRL SSB Contest March 1st – 2nd
      • Arbor Day at Dawes in April.
      • QSL all up to date
      • Will submit contest summaries for ARRL publishing.
    • ARES report K8NQ.
      • Winter run Feb 16th 10 am – 4 pm.
      • Letter of memorandum with Licking County Health Department
    • CERT report
      • Planning VE testing session for CERT
      • Future basic CERT training planned
      • If interested in more information please contact W5UHQ – Eldon.
    • Perry County ARES
      • Still in process of organizing.
      • Contact AC8GI – Kevin for more information.
  • Old business:
    • VE testing session possibly in May.
    • Programs for future meetings:
      • March – AEP – power line interference.
      • April – Lightening protection
      • May – Tower Climbing Safety
      • June – Field Day
      • July – MARS presentation
  • New Business
    • Mansfield Hamfest – Feb 16th.
    • Part 3 of 3 FLDIGI presentation given by W5UHQ
      • Presentation is available on COOKEN website.
  • Meeting was adjourned.

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