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My Country - My people & Selected Poetry : Seshendra Sharma



My Country - My People & Selected Poetry : Seshendra Sharmaphoto





Seshendra is colossus of modern Poetry.
His literature is a unique blend of the best of poetry and poetics.
His Homepage : Seshendra:Visionary Poet of the Millennium presents essence / spirit of the millennium in powerful poetic style. Seshendra Sharma is one of the most outstanding minds of modern Asia. He is the foremost of the Telugu poets today who has turned poetry to the gigantic strides of human history and embellished literature with the thrills and triumphs of the 20th century. A revolutionary poet who spurned the pedestrian and pedantic poetry equally, a brilliant critic and a scholar of Sanskrit, this versatile poet has breathed a new vision of modernity to his vernacular.Such minds place Telugu on the world map of intellectualism. Readers conversant with names like Paul Valery, Gauguin, and Dag Hammarskjold will have to add the name of Seshendra Sharma the writer from India to that dynasty of intellectuals.


Modern Indian Epic
This important epic by one the great modern poets of India is written by a civilisation not by one man. This masterpiece brings Seshendra into prominence as one of the outstanding poets of this century. For writing this epic Seshendra has simplified his diction to reach his people and to record the impact of an age on the third world. This is the most memorable poems of our times; in its marathon stride the epic sweeps over the drama of the Third world civilisation. The reader will return to this book again and again, he will also find the wound inflicted on him by his adversaries for his genius, wanting to rout him out of his livelihood for being distinguished.

A wealth of Poetic Heights
My Country – My People is a wealth of poetic heights gathered together in the enormity of epic style , it is the modern form of epic . It is the Indian Epic which becomes the Epic of the entire Mankind touching the peaks of Modern Age. The seeds of the epic are in the womb of Yajurveda which are infact the seeds of Indian Consciousness. Heinrich Zimmer, the German Philosopher, called “Thaitthariya Upanishad ‘the Cosmic Communist Manifesto. It is the essence of this Manifesto that flows as the under – current in My country – My People.
- Ali Sardar Jafri , Urdu Poet

It was not only Tagore and Gandhi who crossed the frontiers of their country and reached the wider world and achieved universality...... Seshendra's epic poem 'My country My People' is evidence..... some important critics have compared this epic poem with T.S.Eliot's WASTELAND and 'L' ASCENSION' by St. John Perse. Personally I would compare the pain and anguish of the poet with one of Loutremont in his lyric 'Mald Aurore'. The difference is that Seshendra's protest is not made in the void. Seshendra walks firmly on his soil, one can find in the poet a wild whirlwind which attains incredible oratorial heights, creating terrific images... whirling within him is the idea of strength of life that is fighting the dark powers which want to take away its freedom and bread.... at times we observe in the poem a biblical and Prophetic tone that attracts us.
Dearest Seshen!
An epic, a long poem (Which Edgar Allen Poe called a contradiction in terms). But who am I to say No to a poem which chooses to assume the strangest of garbs in one of the finest of minds. So, so be it. Let me accept your OEUVRE as an epic. But why call it modern? it is timeless. Why call it Indian? It is spaceless.

SRI SRI Indian poet


Saatyaki, poet's son's Tribute to his beloved father on his 13th Anniversary



Seshendra : Visionary Poet of the Millenium




Creation date: Nov 29, -0001 4:07pm     Last modified date: Nov 19, 2022 12:57am   Last visit date: Jan 17, 2025 8:18pm