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Helping my grandfather
Hi I want to share with you about my well-being now my grandfather is having problems .My grandfather was always a man who radiated vitality. He loved to tell stories about his youth, share wisdom and laugh until he cried. When he began to show signs of Alzheimer's disease, it came as a real shock to the whole family. He gradually forgot the names of his favorite grandchildren, got lost in familiar places and couldn't remember how to cook his signature dishes.
We all the family decided to hire a nurse mesestra that will be constantly with grandfather as grandfather forgets everything instantly. Please advise me something
Creation date: Oct 15, 2024 8:37pm Last modified date: Oct 15, 2024 8:37pm Last visit date: Feb 6, 2025 7:37pm
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Oct 16, 2024 ( 3 posts, 1 reply )
Sangriya Rassel (sangriya)
You need to urgently look for a 24-hour caregiver for your grandfather, Alzheimer's disease is associated with memory loss, such patients as the disease progresses fall into childhood and need to be cared for like small children. Therefore, you need to hire a nurse for care, preferably one with experience working with such patients.
Andres Alberto (andresalberto)
I agree that Alzheimer's is very complicated to treat and it must be difficult to live with that disease, so the best thing for an older person will always be to seek professional help. In this case, leave it in the hands of professionals. I recommend the ones from there is not a single family that has complained, leaving your beloved family member in their hands is the best decision you can make in your life
Maykl Douglas Maykl Douglas (maykldouglas)
I am so sorry to hear about your grandfather and what your family is going through. Alzheimer's disease is a difficult experience for both the patient and his or her loved ones.Try to communicate with your grandfather using simple words and short sentences. Avoid complex questions that may confuse him. You can hire a nurse as a caregiver by searching the internet for your location.
Entoni Karston (entoni37)
A very unpleasant diagnosis, patients with Alzheimer's disease require constant care, if not of the closest relatives, then certainly of medical personnel. But now there are such companies that can provide such a service for the care of elderly relatives and even seriously ill people, because each of us has parents, grandparents, who sooner or later will need outside care.
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