The Visual Inspection and The Way You Can Do It


Today we wish to introduce the automatic optical inspection machines. These machines are now more and more indispensable in the mass production of cards. Indeed, the human control become too long and too tedious, it is more judicious for a company to invest in this type of machines and thus make profitable its business. An AOI machine can perform several tasks such as inspecting the quality of the welds of components, checking their placement in X and Y or the automatic detection of flaw defects. With the Visual Inspection Machine this entire process runs perfect now.


Machines that have become indispensable


As electronic component technology evolves, these automatic optical inspection machines are becoming more and more necessary to electronic card assembly companies. Indeed, the AOI will allow the thorough inspection of the PCB and thus ensure its proper functioning. In addition, through the use of these machines the company guarantees a flawless analysis and inspection, which is not the case when taking into account the potential risk of the human factor. These inspection machines, thanks in particular to their speed and reliability of analysis, will also allow the increase of productivity gains and thus ensure the profitability of the company.


The use of such machines makes it possible, among other things, to notice and correct any defects in the electronic cards. It is best to inspect the cards at the beginning of the production process to avoid the production of a large quantity of electronic cards with the same defects. You can check  for more on this.



How does it work?


The AOI system will then scan the surface of the printed circuit board. The latter is illuminated by several dim lights and analysed by a scanner or a number of cameras high A.O.I (Automatic Optic Inspection) definitions. This allows control of all parts of the printed circuit even those potentially hidden by other components. Each manufacturer of automatic optical inspection machines uses different inspection systems using different algorithms and lighting techniques.


  • Visual inspection of liquid forms and other lyophilises is mandatory, but not well framed. Also, over the course of their experience, pharmacy manufacturers have developed a real expertise to fill this gap. It goes through manual, semi-automatic or automatic mirage solutions. Three possibilities skilfully studied and used. Opting for the Visual Inspection System Manufacturer is the best choice here.


While all drug production meets GMP, the production of injectable remains, by their end, particularly controlled. In particular, when the syringes are filled, it is necessary to check that the content of the products is in line with production expectations: that there are no traces of abnormal endogenous particles such as glass, that the colour is the right one, etc. . This step aims to ensure the good quality of products at the macroscopic level. This is the visual inspection, also called mirage (see box). It is a mandatory inspection, although poorly supervised. Industrialists have had no choice but to appropriate the implementation of the mirage on their production lines


  • As evidenced by Philippe Grel who has long worked on the subject of mirage, particularly in working groups at the Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Techniques (SFSTP).


Today production manager at Biovac, specializing in vaccines in animal health, he recalls that "the regulation requires that 100% of units are mirées".

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