How you can keep safe yourselves from coronavirus?


Coronavirus initiated with some quite pneumonia symptoms in patients from Wuhan, a robust virology center in China has now appropriated the entire world under its curse. A disease that started as a plague is now converted into an epidemic. As for now what known is that folks with low immunity are susceptible to this virus. Researchers everywhere the planet are working day and night exhaustively to get an antidote to the virus. As per WHO (World health organization) saying making an antidote for an epidemic generally take 5 years of research with complete testing. With the acute efforts of researchers, it are often reduced to at least one and a half years but nor quite that. So, what are the probabilities or probability that the vaccine or antidote discovered will work? Nobody really knows the solution to the present serious question immediately. What we will do is lookout of our families and ourselves by fighting it with the assistance of COVID-19 antigens. you'll learn more about it on our website to try to to this we must first understand what this virus is and the way dangerous it are often.

What is Coronavirus and the way dangerous it can be?

At the top of 2019, reports emerged from china about the outbreak of unexplained pneumonia with the rapid increase in cases around Wuhan's Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market where live fish, poultry, and birds are sold in bulk daily. it's suspected to be like previous outbreaks of comparable diseases, including SARS (Severe acute respiratory syndrome) and MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome-related coronavirus) that have arisen from live animal markets.


Coronavirus may be a family of huge viruses usually targeting the systema respiratorium of the host. The name “Corona” springs from the Latin word corona which suggests a crown, thanks to the spiky fringe which surrounds the outer layer of the virus. Species like bats, cats, and birds act as a spreading agent for these viruses. Just seven of the viruses are known till now to infect humans like SARS, MERS, and COVID-19.


SARS is believed to possess originally developed in China from bats then transmitted to cats then finally to humans. MERS has transmitted from bats to camels then to Middle East humans in 2003. nobody truly knows where the COVID-19 initially came from. The novel coronavirus, almost like SARS is very contagious. the dimensions of the pandemic depends on how quickly an epidemic is transmitted from one person to a different. Still, doctors and scientists do not know how exactly COVID-19 spreads, all we've may be a lot of knowledge on how MERS and SARS have affected. These viruses are primarily spread by exposure to droplets caused by sneezing or coughing. within the case of COVID-19, it's now been transmitting from human to human just by touching. Symptoms may include Fever, Cough, Shortness of breath.

Precautions to avoid the transmission of the virus:

Scientists and health specialists round the world are working hard to prevent the spread of the virus. The new coronavirus has already affected thousands of individuals. The price and number of active patients suffering from the virus is increasing day-by-day. The pandemic situation was stated as a "public health emergency of international concern" by the planet Health Organization (WHO) on 30 January. Several preventive measures are issued to avoid the transmission which includes:


• WHO has recommended the utilization of the heavy-duty N95 respiratory mask.
• Experts recommend to regularly wash your hands throughout the day.
• Stop touching your face and eyes with unwashed hands.
• Keep a distance from anyone who coughs or sneezes.
• Avoid traveling to long distances.
• Prefer home quarantine if you've got traveled to other countries.

How are you able to protect yourself from getting suffering from the COVID-19 virus?

To save yourself from contamination; aside from preventive measures, you want to improve the immunity strength of your body. to try to to so you want to first understand the essential concept of antigen and antibodies. As per Merriam Webster, Definition of antigen is as follows: any substance (such as an immunogen or a hapten) foreign to the body that evokes an immune reaction either alone or after forming a posh with a bigger molecule (such as a protein) which is capable of binding with a product (such as an antibody or T cell) of the immune reaction. to know it in simple words antigens alerts your body’s system to supply antibodies whenever it comes in touch with any virus, to fight from the virus. they will be both either inside your body i.e. internal antigens or foreign, that are available contact with the body from an external source.


GeneMedi may be a reputed name in viral and non-viral organic phenomenon, gene transfer, gene editing, and gene therapy. GeneMedi produces a life-saving coronavirus antigen that reinforces your body’s immunity and makes your body able to fight with viral infections like COVID-19. We always anticipate to your healthiness.

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Jan 5, 2021  ( 1 post )  
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