Edward Hendry, an American author and entrepreneur, has released his debut novel The Cherokee Secret: Legend of the Corazón Del Rey. In it, the author presents a solid and highly creative storyline that revolves around a North Carolina hunt for a mysterious stone tied to a 1000 year-old blood oath that offers its possessor a chance to become a ruler of Spain. In a perfect depiction of Good vs Evil, the story features James MacNaughton (Mack), an unforgettable character and not so ordinary man who discovers a Viking treasure with a supernatural origin holding a time shattering secret, revealing his long-lost love and a mysterious ancient past.
An adventure novel combined with historical fiction, magic, wisdom, mysticism, suspense and wonder makes for a high stakes story and demonstrates how the lust for power and conflict in the human heart can shape lives.
Kirkus, in their review, says the creativity displayed in the novel extends even to minor plot developments, such as an encounter with a rattlesnake that will leave readers wincing in sympathy. The captivating narration moves between the backwoods of Appalachia and the hallways of power in Madrid, with Hendry’s story holding together all the way through.
In the remote mountains of North Carolina, Mack's romantic adventures leads to the discovery of a tribal secret and an Indian burial ground holding an ancient Viking treasure which could unravel the North American history books, topple a European monarchy as well as threaten the very roots of Christianity itself all in a supernatural mystery. The disappearance of a woman sets Mack on a search in the dangerous wilderness of Mother Nature’s elements. As he battles hostile mountain outlaws, the mistakes of his past haunt him in his endeavor to look for his lost love. Just when it looks like he’s found her, a deceitful member of the Spanish Royal Palace launches an international manhunt to locate the burial ground, steal the treasure and assassinate him.
But this isn’t the end of his troubles; Mack has another problem on his hands. It’s the year 2016. The woman he’s searching for hasn’t been seen since the 1700’s. The author brings to life an old adage “so close yet so far!” Just when Mack is one step away from finding out a centuries old Royal secret and the truth of just who or what he really is comes to light, a shadowy religious figure intent on using the treasure’s supernatural power for world domination emerges. The author uses suspense to perfection as readers are left asking themselves whether Mack will survive the hunt to fulfill his time-shattering destiny. The author encourages the reader to discover for themselves who Mack is as the captivating story provides the answer in an electrifying way.
The book is available at Amazon
About the author Edward Hendry is an American author, entrepreneur, veteran and outdoor enthusiast. He joined the military out of high school and graduated from Florida State University. After a brief stint with a Wall Street brokerage house, Ed returned to his construction roots, building high-profile projects across south-Florida. When he’s not writing books by the sea, Ed dreams of being on a backcountry trail deep in the mountains––the place he calls home.
Media Contact information Edward Hendry Fantasy / Adventure Author 561-906-8211 |
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