11 Usher

Update received July 2011: Here is Frankie with his big brother Jacques hanging out at the park!


Update received March 2011:  These are a bit old (I need to take some new ones!) but here is Frankie and Jacques at the dog park. Frankie thinks that he is a big dog and loves to play. This week the boys just started playing together with dogs, which is great for Jacques, who was never socialized until I got him at age 5. Frankie is a well known instigator at the park but always gets away with it because he is so cute! He loves the dogs and people and could stay there for days. He is getting a bit bigger, but is still barely over 20 pounds. His new favorite toys are nylabones and kongs, but Jacques is always his favorite one to play with. The final picture is from the holiday trip home. Frankie and Jacques played with their cousins and grandma had lots of fun helping them participate in the festivities.  I will take some shots soon and update you. By the way, my mom saw his page online- how wonderful to show what a fabulous pup he is!


Update received January 2011: Frankie and Jacques had a rough start but soon became best friends. He has added so much energy and happiness to my older dog's life. They love to play, walk, and go to the dog park together. When they are at home, they share the couch or a bed, even though they each have their own spaces. It has been fantastic to bring Frankie into our home!


Update received November 2010:  Here are some photos of the baby. Yesterday we went to my friend's house and Frankie did great playing with his dogs and Jacques. It is a slow road, but he and Jacques are getting to know each other and like one another. Jacques has been an only child for a long time, so I think it may take some time.  Frankie does great in the crate and doing well with potty training. He's a natural on the leash! Everyone wants to pet him on walks because he is so cute. Next week- dog park!

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