Dear Father,
Thank You for hearing all of my prayers; for caring about me and about my family and friends. I know You want to fill our lives with Your wisdom and Your peace.
Inspire in me the desire to pray and fast more fervently that Your Light might penetrate my entire being. Through the prayers and sacrifices that I offer, may Your Light shine through me and pierce the hearts of all those I love and care about. May their lives be filled with Your peace as they allow You to become the center of their own lives. Let that peace extend to their families, their circle of friends and their co-workers.
Father, help me to realize now, all the good that comes from the prayers and sacrifices that I offer on their behalf. Inspire in my heart the desire to pray unceasingly for the needs and concerns of all those You have placed on my life journey. And when the time comes for me to pass from this world to the next - into Your waiting Arms - let me not regret that I didn't pray more often or offer myself more generously.
I ask this in the Name of Jesus Christ, Your Son, who lives and reigns with You forever and ever - Amen |