Extraordinary God did something extraordinary. Stepping from the throne, he removed his robe of light and wrapped himself in skin: pigmented, human skin. The light of the universe entered a dark, wet womb. He whom angels worship nestled himself in the placenta of a peasant, was birthed into a cold night, and then slept on cow’s hay. Mary didn’t know whether to give him milk or give him praise, but she gave him both since he was, as near as she could figure, hungry and holy. Joseph didn’t know whether to call him Junior or Father. But in the end he called him Jesus, since that’s what the angel had said and since he didn’t have the faintest idea what to name a God he could cradle in his arms…
Excerpted from Christmas Stories copyright © Max Lucado. Published in Nashville, Tennessee by Thomas Nelson. Used with permission. All rights reserved.
Max sure comes up with very good ways of saying the truth
Love the writings of Max Lucado. God's extraordinary and extravagant gift to us, coupled by Mary's extravagant "Yes" has given us all we need, the Light of the World.