Update Received April 2015: Bea is amazing. Happy energetic playful and kind. We still spend hours running with friends and relaxing afterwords. Bea specializes in transporting things--balls, shoes, TV remotes and anything she can find. Thanks for all you do.
Update Received October 2014: Bea is doing great. we enjoy the woods everyday now that the pools are put away and Bea and Star are quite the mouse hunters. Luckily they don’t eat them. They love to watch the neighbors head off to school and cuddling is always a favorite. Thanks for all you do!
Update Received April 2014: Bea is wonderful---Happy, Healthy, Funny, Playful and Kind. Loves to cuddle and run in the woods with the pack. Thanks for all you do.
Update Received December 2013: Bea is amazing. Happy, active, sweet and cuddly, rough and gentle depending on the friend. She and Star are inseparable, and now Buzz is part of the pack. Still running twice a day and working on training. Thanks for all you do!
Update Received September 2013: Bea is amazing. She and Star are active every day. We have gone from snow in the last update to daily or double daily runs in the woods with all of our friends and then a big long dip in the pool. Bea always enjoys when our boarders come over, especially Tucker, and then Star can have some time off.
Update Received March 2013: Things are going great with Bea (Bionca). Knows the dog door 100%. Met the neighbor kids and played for hours and LOVES the snow and running with the pack. Star is starting to play alot more with her but Buck is still her best friend from next door. Sleeps all night in bed with us and wakes up squeeking her new turtle, and Star even is sharing Rudy her stuffed reindeer. Keeping her busy and tired. Thank You so much. |