03 Obie

March 2014:  We adopted Buddy (formerly Obie) one year ago today. It was love from the first day we brought him home, and he had really enriched our family over the last 12 months. I can't imagine life without him!


March 2013:  Buddy finished training yesterday - the last thing to learn was "place." He loves to go on long walks off leash (which he can do now thanks to training!) and snuggle with his brother Toby. Thanks for rescuing him so we could adopt him!!


March 2013:  We adopted Buddy (formerly Obie) on Saturday. He is fitting in well at home and really loves his new brother. He has some things to learn, but we love him already. Here is a picture of all three of us cuddling on the couch (while my poor husband was ignored).

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