Blessed. Blessed is the word that comes to mind as I reflect on 2008.
January was spent finishing the baby's nursery. In February, we celebrated my 27th birthday and Valentines Day at a Bed & Breakfast in Half Moon Bay for our last weekend away before the baby came. In March, we were blessed by my co-workers with a wonderful going-away party/baby shower when I quit working full-time for the Center for Youth Citizenship after almost 5 years there.
On April 12, at 6:37pm, we were blessed with a beautiful, healthy baby boy. Memphis Levi made his grand entrance via vacuum extraction after 35 hours of fighting his Momma and 3.5 hours of pushing, all 9 lbs. 2 oz of him! It was so worth it though, and I was blessed with an easy, quick recovery, and an even easier baby, who has slept great from the beginning and has a happy, sweet disposition.
A few weeks after the baby was born, I went back to work very part-time, a few hours a week, and now go into the office occassionally. It is such a blessing to have both sets of grandparents here to help! And right now, in this season of life, there is no better place I could be than home with my son.
Memphis is truly our joy everyday. Every milestone is so exciting, from smiling and cooing to rolling over, and now scooting and army-crawling everywhere. Everyday with him is new, as we watch him learning new things and growing before our eyes. And who knew that I wouldn't mind the poop at all, even when he poops on my bare legs while at the doctors office, and I have to walk, bow-legged across the room to the diaper bag, to try and clean up before the doctor comes back. Nothing changes you like motherhood. Suddenly, my whole world revolves around this little being, feeding him, changing him umpteen times, doing his laundry, picking up his toys, and sometimes it is very repetitive, and right now he won't remember any of it; but he will learn trust, as his needs are met daily, and he will know he is loved.
Memphis has been blessed with wondeful daddy. Aaron has been a huge help from the beginning, changing diapers, getting up with me for midnight feedings, giving the bath every night, and now feeding him his dinner. All Memphis says is dadadadadadada.
In August, we celebrated our 5 year wedding anniversary by taking Memphis to the beach for the first time. We camped in our little trailer at Wright's Beach in Bodega Bay. Other fun firsts with Memphis were taking him to the zoo, the state fair, and several other camping trips.
We continue to spend most of our free time on church activities at Horizon. I'm still teaching 4s & 5s sunday school with my mom. Aaron has been so faithful to the high school group. After following the same group of guys for 4 years, he is now starting over with a new group of freshman, co-leading the Frosh & Soph guys small group and always helping out on regular group nights and at sunday school. He also mentors new Christians as part of Horizon's 'I Raised My Hand' ministry. And we are taking Year 3 of 'The Journey', a leadership/discipleship class.
Memphis will be 9 months old on January 12. As everyone says, it goes by so quickly. Our only consolation is that, God willing, we'll get to do this all again. There are already things I miss as he is becoming much more a little boy than an infant. He doesn't fall asleep on me anymore, and rarely really cuddles. Even when he nurses, it's just for a couple minutes, and then he's sitting up and trying to get away. He always wants to have something in his hands. He's very curious. His favorite "toys" right now are my glasses and the tv remote control. He is very quick at snatching my glasses off my face. He loves to jump and bounce in his thing that hangs over the door frame. Peekaboo and daddy hanging him upside-down are what make him laugh the most.
Well I suppose I've bragged about my wonderful boy enough, and should probably close. I want to end with something a friend wrote on their family blog after seeing the first ultrasound picture of their baby. "There is no better confirmation of faith than seeing this miracle." We are so grateful to God for our own little miracle this year, and the blessing that he is to us everyday.
To see many pictures of Memphis from the past year, visit
Wishing you a Merry Christmas!
Aaron, Christina and Memphis Roper