Here is hoping that everyone can reach their full potential.  Single individuals, no matter how insignificant, can create big things in the total picture.
         This site is being used as a place to store my speech therapy materials for my blog "In Spontaneous Speech".  I have set up the blog to direct people to this site for down loads.  If for some reason you have come here first, you may want to check out the blog.  There are better explanations there on how the activities have been used.  You can reach the blog by going to 
It has been nice having so many of you stop by.  I've appreciated it when people have left messages.  
       I've found this blog to be quite useful as well.   I've stored things from home that I use at work and I can actually find an activity when I need it.  Sometimes my storage system is less than what you would be  desired.  I welcome any suggestions or encouragements.  Everything is free and it did take a bit of effort on my part.  Your comments are my motivation.
         Does anyone have any materials they would like to share.  It is easy to get a Keep and Share account and join accounts for easy group sharing.  Let me know if you do this. If you have a single activity, I may be able to convert it to a pdf file and post it here for sharing. 
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