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5. Feast Your Eyes - Take some Tours

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The Riviera Nayarit Board of Tourism has a video of La Cruz de Huanacaxtle at it’s website, and gives an excellent tour of our wonderful little community. You may copy and paste the following link to your Browser address bar or you may find it simpler to highlight it and right click to choose Search Google:

Then, should you want a sneak peak at 'Taste of La Cruz' 2014, go to:




And you may want to read a bit about our Fish Market:




Then, explore some of the music; La Cruz is known as a Music Town; lots of talent. One location - Philo's Bar, is home to Philo and the Mexican Shuffle Band.

You will enjoy the tunes - my fave - Dreaming About Mexico. Check out Philo's web site and his YouTube channel.




Explore some more in Bucerias:




Creation date: Jan 4, 2012 9:05pm     Last modified date: Sep 20, 2013 2:33pm   Last visit date: Sep 9, 2024 1:34am
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