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Kathy's Sweet Yams (nicknamed by Will)
This recipe was a big hit at our 2007 Thanksgiving dinner!  I altered it a little bit and substituted whiskey for bourbon.  The original recipe's name was Bourbon Sweet Potatoes (Yams) by LaLa on Recipe Zaar. 20 people gobbled this right up and asked what the secret ingredient was!
8 servings click to change U.S./Metric measurement system or number of servings
time to make 50 min 25 min prep
8 yams (or 6 really large yams)
2 cups dark brown sugar
1/2 cup bourbon or whiskey
1/2 cup heavy cream
1/4 lb butter pecans. (I used glazed butter toffee walnuts)
1/4 lb butter
In a skillet, brown the pecans (can also be done in the oven). Can skip this step if they're already glazed.
  1. In a big pot, boil the yams for 12 minutes with water just covering them. I cut the large yams up in halves or even quarters.  Don't overboil.
  2. After 12 minutes, drain the water and replace with ice cold water to stop the cooking--peel and slice the potatoes. (They peel easier if not too mushy).
  3. In a big pan melt the brown sugar and butter together until saucy.
  4. Add the bourbon or whiskey and heavy cream, blend together.
  5. Add the sliced potatoes to the pan and mix around with the sauce.
  6. Add the pecans and mix together while heating for a little bit, but not to cook the potatoes completely.
  7. Pour everything into a casserole dish and heat in the oven at 375° for 25 minutes or until potatoes are cooked.
  8. Can be made the day before and heated up.

Creation date: Nov 24, 2007 4:48pm     Last modified date: Dec 27, 2007 12:38pm   Last visit date: Jun 2, 2024 5:27am
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