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Paragraphs for Christina

I know you probably have a million things going on, but if you have a chance, could you write a short paragraph (just a few sentences) on each of the below.

1.  E.J. and the impact she had on you, etc.

2.  Soccer - Sophomore year

3.  Chicago soccer tournament

4.  The Beach (in general and living by it for 4 years, etc.)

E.J. Was the Dean of Women. Her job can be very tough and draining, or very rewarding and full of joy. Through the last four years I have seen both aspects. Freshmen year, a girl on the soccer team and I would go over to her apartment every Sunday afternoon to do laundry. That is one thing I will never forget about E.J. Is her hospitality. Her door is literally ALWAYS open! She has been an older woman whom I can seek counsel from, who is always willing to listen, I've poured out my heart crying to her in the basketball stadium, to her kitchen table, her advice will come gently but firmly rooted in Scripture, and then she is so much fun, playing intramural basketball, having sleepovers. She is a precious woman. Very dear.

My sophomore year of soccer was one of the sweetest, funnest years, yet the toughest. That year our team was the closest it had ever been, yet we endured more hardship than ever before. Our coach was in the process of being let go, and it was a very sad, confusing time for all of us, as we struggled with the decision making. Yet, our team unity, our bond was incredible. It was pure fellowship. So sweet, sisters in Christ playing hard, yet serving and loving each other on and off the field. We were a team. Complete unity! That year the 3SB emerged. Stacie, Katie, and I. The “Three Short Brunettes”. It was a blast! I could not imagine soccer without those girls! Our captains were Danielle and Courtney who we loved and did a great job.

Chicago was such a fun trip. Traveling and playing in a new area is always a blast! E.J. Came with the teach which was very fun. We had some late hotel nights. I had never been to Chicago and I loved the city that we saw, from the Great lakes, to the original Chicago pizza, to crossing the border over to a Tumbleweed restaurant. Oh the laughter!

“Something about the ocean makes me stand in awe of You!” There is no wonder why so many worship songs make reference to the ocean or the sea. It's beauty and vastness are breathtaking. Growing up, my dream was to go play soccer at a Christian college by the beach! So many memories of different beach trips, from Malibu, to Ventura, to Santa Monica, to Huntington, to San Diego to cruisin on the 405 in the Beast Truck to Fonda the Honda and now the Camery. Some favorite beach memories would have to be with Mandi when we would pitch a tent, start a fire, watch the stars and listen to the waves, and wake up in the morning to the sun rising on the shore ad the surfers starting to head into the water. I have loved going in groups for beach football, boogie boarding with the wing, or going alone just to read and pray being reminded of the Lord's faithfulness and power as I watch the waves crash upon shore.

Creation date: Apr 26, 2005 3:01pm     Last modified date: May 31, 2005 2:59pm   Last visit date: May 15, 2024 3:51am
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