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Ten Things Every Cookbook Publisher Should Be Educated About


The Essential Keto Cookbook Usage

These are my attempts to answer two basic questions: What can make a book bad? What makes a cookbook great. These questions might be surprising, nettle or disturb you, but I hope you will be able to pay attention. Before I became a cookbook reviewer my time as an acquisitions editor in publishing was invaluable. These tips can be utilized for your copyediting and production departments. Other tips are helpful for editors and authors. Marketing, publicity and sales professionals must be aware of them all.


Five common mistakes that make Cookbooks Unusable

In the age of digital, cookbooks are a hard-copy as well as a relic that can never be replaced. They're used as physical objects in a way other books are not. Each time a cook attempts a new recipe, she revisits the book at least a dozen times. Format is essential, but so are specifics and specifications. The good news is, these errors are simple to correct. Once you expect to find out additional information about cookbook, you have to sneak a peek at website.


Page Format


There's nothing more embarrassing than a book printed in a miniature typeface. They're not designed to be read in a comfortable chair or on the beach. They're usually at the counter in the kitchen at least three feet from our eyes and our steam-up glasses. It's not uncommon to have to find our spot quickly. It's difficult to read small fonts. It can be difficult to turn a page when you have sticky fingers is an issue, so double-page spreads for longer recipes are ideal (even if it means not including a photo). Are the pages too long for the large font? It's better to trim only a handful of recipes to reach your price $35 rather instead of packing them all with a layout that makes it difficult to use.




It's unfair It's unfair, I know. However, American cooks don't have grams or Liters. We work with cups and tablespoons to measure volume, pounds for weight, and ounces for either. Whenever possible we'll employ weights instead of volumes. You must convert if you sell a buy-in on the U.S. market. Otherwise, you could be a costly loss.




American cooks who are a majority of us are daring and not afraid to use obscure ingredients. However, if you can't find it at your average Midwestern grocery store, don't be an fanatic. We'll tell you how to obtain it! Tell us what you'd substitute! Choose the source online. If just one paste of chile is sufficient, and there's not a word in English on the label, be sure to include a picture, preferably in color.


Equipment. This one is designed for chefs that are authors. It's not necessary to assume that everyone has an kitchen. If most of your recipes demand a Paco-Jet or an Hobart mixer, or a full set of ring molds, don't bother trying to retail your cook book. Give it away for to other chefs who aren't likely to buy cookbooks. You could also adapt the recipe to serve four or six persons instead of 40.


Creation date: Feb 13, 2022 4:13am     Last modified date: Feb 13, 2022 4:13am   Last visit date: May 14, 2024 12:06pm
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