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a rapture

all seven sins and sixteen commandments 

committed and contradicted -


twisting ankles and scraping knees to forge a memory

i never got to make in the prior season:


walking, terrified,

through wandering graffiti-walls and 



trying my best to be more fearsome than

whatever foul beast had lurked there

in broad shadow

just centuries before.


and as it were -

and would always be -

a vision wove itself before me, 

parting in scenes and flickering in-between divine roots and hallowed veins...


i was akin to the moon -

silver sanctiloquent shadow shimmering 

blue on my shoulder.


i was akin to the serpent - 

scowling and scaling til my scales

nascent green.

Creation date: Sep 28, 2019 9:08pm     Last modified date: Oct 14, 2019 11:35am   Last visit date: Sep 5, 2024 4:12am
3 / 20 comments
Sep 29, 2021  ( 1 comment )  
Sep 30, 2021  ( 1 comment )  
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Oct 28, 2021  ( 1 comment )  
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