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12 Brita

Update Received January 2014: I wanted to give you an update on Brita. As you can see from the pictures she is doing fabulous. We have officially had her a whole month and we feel like we have had her forever. She has adjusted amazingly and has the run of the whole house during the day while Dave and I are at work. We were told that that she was more timid with men but warmed to Dave and our adult boys immediately - pretty much to the point where she attacks Dave when he gets home and won't leave his side. Her favorite spot is on the bed in the guest room where she can look out the window and scope out the neighborhood. She is really good about letting us know when the mailman or UPS is coming, or a car drives into the cul de sac or if a leaf is blowing in the yard. Let's just say she has found her voice so we are working on that:) She's not too interested in chewing bones but shreds every squeaky stuffed toy she gets. She has been to the "doggy spa" and had no issues there, came home primped and smelling amazing! So to wrap it up, thank you for letting us bring Brita home, we love her!

Creation date: Jun 19, 2011 8:02am     Last modified date: Feb 2, 2014 1:29pm   Last visit date: Feb 24, 2025 11:51pm
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