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PSK QTC Net on September 30 (Fifth Thursday)
cq cq cq cooken de w5uhq  ncs kkk  
Our first Let's Try Digital Night is scheduled for  2030-2130  This is the fifth-thursday of month and this time we will try a simple PSK31 net on Cooken simulated message passing on ~ 28.121.500 MHz ( tone frequency= dial plus 1500 Hz ) USB  with voice coordination on 145.700 FM.  The objective is to explore this digital mode and get beyond the initial contact fear most newbies have on digital.
Special prizes for those with best quality PSK signal ( lowest IMD while in contact with NCS),   most and fastest set of QTC exchange contacts during the net period with those that checked in, and station pairs that had the furthest contact with lowest combined power settings Quotient ( i.e.   (5 watts + 55 watts)  /  10 miles ) = 6 watts/mile . 
Here is how it will be structured to add more fun than just making a PSK contact:
After initial checkin, NCS ( W5UHQ) will ask each station to QSY to a  (+/- home net)  delta frequency within standard the 3 KHz 10 Meter PSK passband and go for it during the next 45 minutes either sending "CQ cooken" or searching and pouncing to other member's cqs  Each on-net contact must contain, call exchange , Power exchange, RST exchange, QTH exchange (your six character  Grid Square) , name exchange. and verification of other station's report. Any other ragchewing is optional but remember it will hurt your chances at fastest set of QTC exchanges prize.  At end of QSO/QTC  phase, each station calls NCS back at the Net frequency and reports number of contact exchanges and minutes that it took to complete them.  The Net control will stay on the Net Frequency and his job will be to compile all the end of contact QTC's and send that at end of net to all and furnish the prizes for October meeting!  This is an exercise in both individual operating and technical skills as well as a team task to see how we as a team can hone our interoperability skills if we decide to do this again.
This should be a fun and learning event. Invite you non cooken local friends to try it too.  If you need any help getting a modest PSK station up and running before the net or just have any questions about technique or eitque, contact who will be Net Control that evening. Prizes will be given out at the October meeting.
Please indicate with a comment to this thread if you want to participate or would like to but need some elmering help.

Creation date: Aug 15, 2010 9:18am     Last modified date: Aug 17, 2010 7:18am   Last visit date: Feb 16, 2025 12:42am
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