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By-Law Changes Final Change Proposal.
These changes will be voted on at the January 15th Meeting.
Change I     Constitution
The following changes to the way we can ammend our constitution or by-laws were requested during the Novemenber meeting based on a floor motion from Mike Mickelson.
 Article VII:  IS 
"This constitution or the By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the total membership. Proposals for amendments shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting and shall be voted on at the next following regular meeting, provided all members have been notified by mail of the intent to amend the constitution and/or By-Laws at said meeting. Robert's Rules shall govern proceedings."
"This constitution or the By-Laws may be amended by a simple majority ( 50% plus 1) vote of the total paid membership. Proposals for amendments shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting and shall be voted on at the next following regular meeting, provided all members have been notified by mail or email of the intent to amend the constitution and/or By-Laws at said next meeting. E-mail or regular mail proxy votes addressed to the Cooken Secretary may be added to quorum for those absent.  Those proxy votes must be submitted prior to the meeting the vote is taken. Robert's Rules shall govern proceedings."
Reasoning:  We want to make it simpler to make constitution and by law updates.  It has been very hard to get a 2/3 majority and the general membership also suggested to get as much input as possible that we set up a way to use email votes to insure as many members as possible get to be heard.
Change  II   to Article 4   of By-Laws add new
Subparagraph E.
E.  The maximum number of free months is twelve (12) in cases where both C. and  D. apply.
Reasoning :  Cooken has long had the policy of welcoming new hams and tries to offer financial incentives to get new hams to join our club.  We have two such provisions in our bylaws ( 4 c and 4 d) each offering up to 12 months of free membership.  This change makes it clear that these two programs were not meant to be offered consecutively  with each other so that  the maximum number of free months is twelve. For example a non ham can join in January as an associate member, Take and pass his first exam in July and wish to continue his membership.  He would be elgible for 12 free months not 18.
Change III    Add New Article 6 to By-Laws
VE Testing -  Cooken,  as a  club established primarily to promote High Frequency (HF) incentive activity, will refund VE fees for one, passed, Cooken sponsored,  exam session ( per ARRL VEC program)  to any full or associate member in good standing.  All test fees must be paid to the VE in Charge prior to testing.  Refunds for one passed test fee will be issued by the Cooken Treasurer within 30 days upon presentation of the new license and verification of current membership. This testing session ( conducted at a date and time agreeable by the Cooken VEC team) may include from one to three elements during that session provided the candidate successfully qualifies for a single  VEC imposed fee.  Should the candidate fail in his / her attempt to obtain a new/upgrade  license and/or request a second attempt that day for failed element(s), said candidate shall not be reimbursed for any VEC imposed charges for failed portions of the exam(s) or exam retest attempts.  This policy may be extended to subsequent VE sessions provided Cooken has not issued a prior refund for any elements passed.   Thus, the policy also applies to existing full members provided they have never used the paid re-imbursement benefit before. The VE imposed fees change from time to time and can always be found on the ARRL web site.   This priveledge can be used once per fiscal year by all members and is not retroactive.
Reasoning:  This change has in reality been in effect for past two years however upon examination we found that the change had not been processed IAW with the club Constitution so therefore was not legal.  The old wording also found too ambiguous by the board to cover situations that come up including taking multiple elements, flow of funds to club, members vs non members, re-imbursement when not passed, and process for taking multiple exams or trying again during failues.  The policy also did not specifically cover veteran members who wanted to take advantage of upgrades.  This final wording satisfies all those short comings and is offered for formal vote.
Add By-Laws Article 7.
7.  Elmering Program - Cooken shall promote an Elmering program to assign experienced Elmers to each Technician or General licensee who joins the club or obtains their first license while a member, members desiring tutoring for an upgrade to General or Extra Class license, or those just wanting to enjoy some new specialized aspect or mode of the hobby.  This group of Elmer's will also share duties of coaching advanced exam theory reviews after meetings. A listing of available Elmer's ( including subject matter expertise ) shall be listed on the club website. The main thrust of the Elmering program shall be to cover the gap between getting that first license and becoming an active ham with all privileges. 


Reasoning:  Cooken has long prided itself on providing help to those aspiring to not only obtain their first license but to upgrade to general or extra.  This new provision formalizes that committment so that it becomes an integral part of the programs offered by the elected officials of the club.





Jack Guilkey President

Central Ohio Operators Klub  Extra - Novice


Eldon Peterson


Creation date: Aug 15, 2010 2:43pm     Last modified date: Dec 16, 2010 7:04pm   Last visit date: Jan 12, 2025 8:41pm
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Aug 29, 2023  ( 2 posts )  
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Oct 28, 2021  ( 1 post )  
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Oct 7, 2010  ( 1 post )  
Jack Guilkey (jackguilkey)
I like the change and I will bring it up during the next meeting.
Jack, K8em
Aug 15, 2010  ( 2 posts )