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Ohio DX News
Excerpts of Ohio DX News furnished by kb8NW/OPDX/BARF80. To contribute DX info, please send
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Today's Topics:
   1. Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #972 (Tedd Mirgliotta (KB8NW))
Message: 1
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 2010 18:13:42 -0400
SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.972
Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 972
The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster
DX Bulletin No. 972
BID: $OPDX.972
August 16, 2010
Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW
Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)
Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX
Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters
Network, K1XN & GoList, NC1L, NJ1Q, W2VU, K3GV, NG3K & ADXO, W3BTX, N4AA
& QRZ DX, K7JA, K8GI, K8YSE, W8GEX (60m News), N0VD, AT International,
CX3AL, DL1SBF, DL2VFR, DL7MAE & The DX News Letter, DX World.Net, F6AJA
& Les Nouvelles DX, HA0HW, HB9PL, HP1AC, I1JQJ/IK1ADH & 425 DX News,
ON9CDR, OZ6OM & 50 MHz DX News, Pete's-DX-Newsdesk, Radio Netherlands
Worldwide, RSGB IOTA Web Site, VA3RJ & ICPO, VE1AL and VHF-DX-Portal
(MMMonVHF) for the following DX information.
DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the
week of Sunday, 8th-August, through Sunday, 15th-August there were 205
countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3D2, 3DA, 3V, 3W, 4J, 4L,
4O, 4S, 4U1I, 4X, 5B, 5H, 5N, 5R, 5T, 5V, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7X, 8P, 9A, 9H, 9J,
9K, 9L, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9X, 9Y, A4, A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C2, C3,
C9, CE, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3, CU, CX, D2, D4, DL, DU, E5/s, E7, EA,
EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP, ER, ES, ET, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FK, FM,
FO, FR, FY, G, GD, GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HL,
HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ, I, IS, J2, J3, J6, J8, JA, JT, JW, JY, K, KG4, KH0,
KH2, KH6, KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OH0, OK, OM,
ON, OX, OY, OZ, P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ7, PY, PZ, S2, S5, S7, SM, SP, SU, SV,
SV5, SV9, T7, T8, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TR, TT, TU, TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK,
UN, UR, V3, V5, V8, VE, VK, VP2M, VP2V, VP8, VP8/h, VP9, VQ9, VR, VU, XE,
XU, XX9, YA, YB, YI, YL, YN, YO, YS, YU, YV, Z2, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZC4, ZD7,
* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or
   more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work
   First Worry Later" (WFWL).
3D2C, CONWAY REEF. After the cancellation of the T31 DXpedition by
Hrane/YT1AD, David/K3LP and friends, the team has now organized a 2011
DXpedition to the small beautiful island of Conway Reef (OC-112), part
of the Fiji Islands in the South Pacific Ocean. Tentative schedule is
as follows (in 2011):
      September 28th - Team arrives in Nadi, Fiji.
      September 29th - Team departure from Nadi.
      September 30th - Team arrives on Conway Reef during the afternoon.
      October 1-10th - Activity from Conway Reef.
      October   11th - Team departs from Conway Reef to Nadi.
      October   12th - Team arrives at Fiji during the afternoon.
   Activity will be on 160-10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY, SSTV and PSK31.
They will also be on 6 and 2 meters using EME using WSJT65 A,B,C on the
following frequencies: 50.375 MHz and 144.375 MHz. BEACON on 50 MHz at
50.095 MHz. The following are suggested frequencies:
   CW    - 1820, 3503, 7005, 10105, 14025, 18075, 21025, 24895 and 28025
   SSB   - 1835, 3795, 5403.5, 7082, 14190, 18150, 21295, 24950 and 28495
   RTTY  - 1835, 3582, 7035, 10145, 14081, 18100, 21081, 24920 and 28081
   SSTV  - 3723, 7035, 14230, 21335 and 28680
   PSK31 - 1835, 3582, 7035, 10145, 14081, 18100, 21081, 24920 and 28081 kHz
   Currently, the 3D2C team includes the following: Hrane/YT1AD, David/K3LP,
Joe/AA4NN, Krassimir/K1LZ, Paul/N6PSE, Doug/N6TQS, Atilano/PY5EG, Roman/
RZ3AA, Vangelis/SV2BFN, Alex/UA4HOX, Chris/VK3FY, Peter/VK3FGRC, Keith/
VK3FT, David/WD5COV, Vojislav/YU7AV and Vel/YT3WW. Team helpers are:
Aca/YU1AA (Pilot) and Dragan/YT3W. QSL Manager is YT1AD. QSL by the
Bureau or direct to: Dr. Hrane Milosevic, 36206 Vitanovac, Serbia - EU
(PLEASE send: QSL + SAE + SASE w/1 IRC or 1 USD for normal post, 2 USDs
for airmail). The 3D2C Web page is up and running (some parts still under
construction) at:
3Y8, ANTARCTICA. Lars, SM4TUV, will be working for The Norwegian Polar
Institute in Antarctica starting November 2010. He will remain at the
Norwegian Polar Research Station Troll, on Dronning Maud Land, until
December 2011. He is expected to be active as 3Y8XSA. QSL via SM4TUV.
For more details about the Norwegian Polar Expedition and the Norwegian
Troll field station, visit the following Web pages:
5H, TANZANIA. Ro, DL4ME, will be active as 5H3ME between now and August
30th. Activity will be on the HF bands mainly CW. QSL via his home
5R, MADAGASCAR. Eric, F6ICX, will once again be active as as 5R8IC from
Saint Marie Island (AF-090) between November 15th and December 18th.
Activity will be holiday style, operating CW, RTTY, and PSK63, and using
100 watts into various GPs or Inverted-Ls and a Hexbeam for 20-10 meters.
There will be no online log during his activity. QSL via his home callsign
( View pictures of his last trips at:
8Q, MALDIVES. Oku, JK1KSB, will once again be active as 8Q7SO from Mirihi
Island (AS-013) between September 16?26th. Activity will be holiday style
on 80-10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK31. QSL via his home callsign.
9H, MALTA. Alex, SQ9UM, plans to be active as 9H3UM from Qawra, Malta
(EU-023) between September 8-22nd. Activity will also include operations
from Marsalforn, on Gozo Island (EU-023). No other details about band/mode
operations were provided. QSL via his home callsign.
C5, THE GAMBIA. Filip, ON4TA (ex-6O0F) will be active as C56FR from
Kerr Sering between October 21st and November 11th. This is NOT a DXpedition
but a "private visit". Activity will be active on 20 and 17 meters SSB
using simple wire antennas and 100 watts. Filip also plans to experiment
with Yagi antennas on 6m, 2m and 70cm. He mentions that there "might be
an opening on 2m or 70cm across the Atlantic...". PLEASE QSL by the Bureau
to ON4TA.
Director, sent out the following dated Tuesday, August 10th: "CQ VHF
Magazine Launches Streamlined Website -- Continuing its company-wide
update of its magazine websites, CQ Communications, Inc. today announced
the launch of a new and easier-to-navigate website for CQ VHF magazine.
Like the recently updated sites for WorldRadio Online and Popular Communic-
ations, the new CQ VHF site features a cleaner look and a streamlined
user interface to make it quicker and easier for visitors to find what
they are looking for. The CQ VHF update coincides with posting of the
highlights for the Summer 2010 issue.
   Current issue highlights include sample pages in full-color layout, to
give prospective readers the ability to see what the magazine itself looks
like in print. Highlights of previous issues reaching back to 2006 are
available on the website with easier access than in the past. One new
feature is a 'Current Events' page, which provides readers with access
to information on upcoming events and activities that is more up-to-date
than possible with a quarterly publication.
   The site also includes links to clubs, ham radio reference sites, contact
information for editors and columnists, direct links to advertisers' web-
sites and to other CQ Communications publications. In addition, a link
to the magazine?s Facebook page makes it simple for readers to provide
feedback and connect with other hobbyists.
   CQ VHF is a quarterly magazine devoted to 'Ham Radio Above 50 MHz.'
First published in 1996, it combines articles designed for newcomers with
historical and technical features best appreciated by more experienced
VHF operators. It is edited by Joe Lynch, N6CL, who is also the long-time
'VHF-Plus' editor of parent magazine CQ Amateur Radio.
   CQ VHF is published by CQ Communications, Inc., which also publishes
CQ Amateur Radio, Popular Communications and WorldRadio Online magazines.
   The new CQ VHF website may be accessed at: <>."
CW1, URUGUAY (Lighthouse Op). Members of the "Radio Club Uruguayo" will
activate for the first time "Punta Brava Lighthouse" (ARLHS URU-012,
34? 56' 06"S/56? 09' 38"W, Grid Locator GF15wb) during the upcoming
ILLW activity between 1500z Friday, August 20th, and 2359z Sunday,
August 22th. Activity will be on 80-10 meters using CW, SSB and the
Digital modes with at least two stations, and also VHF and UHF, with
one station using the special event callsign CW1A. QSL for this activity
is only direct to: Radio Club Uruguayo, P.O. Box 37,11000, Montevideo,
URUGUAY, SOUTH AMERICA (w/SAE and IRC or 2 green stamps).
DXCC NEWS. Bill Moore, NC1L, ARRL Awards Branch Manager, reports that
the following operation is approved for DXCC credit:
       9UXEV ? Burundi; 2010 operation
   If you had this QSO rejected in a recent submission, please send a note
to Please check either your LoTW account or the live
online daily DXCC listing, when credits are updated they will appear at
these locations.
EA8, CANARY ISLANDS (WFF Op). Stan, EI6DX, is now on Fuerteventura Island
(DIE S-006, WLOTA L-0883) and is expected to be active as EA8/EI6DX
until August 30th. He mentions that he is considering taking part in the
RDA International Contest next Sunday (August 22nd) as EA8/EI6DX/P from
Corralejo National Park (EAFF-063). Activity will be 20 meters CW/SSB
only using a K3 radio with poles and a wire for an antenna. He is also
expected to activate National Park of Jandia (EAFF-065), but the dates
are not yet announced. QSL via RX3RC, direct or by the Bureau. For updates,
watch Stan's Twitter page at:
GM, SCOTLAND (IOTA and SCOTIA Ops). Operators Alex/GM0DHZ and Andre/GM3VLB
are planning to activate many SCOTIA (SCOTtish Island Award) islands
during a 3 week DXpedition in September to the two IOTA groups -- Orkney
(IOTA EU-009, SCOTIA OI14) and Shetland (IOAT EU-012, SCOTIA SI11) Islands.
Using the callsigns GM0DHZ/p and GM3VLB/p, all islands being considered
for activation are uninhabited, except two of them. Operators will fly
to North Ronaldsay Island (OI33) on August 31st. Then on September 2nd,
they will take a fishing boat to Helliar Holm Island (OI15).
   PLEASE NOTE: The following islands listed below are expected to be
activated, but all depend on WX conditions. Also, there are "NO" definite
dates for any particular islands, but the following are listed as most
likely to be activated in order of "likelihood":
  September 3-15th  - Shetland Island Group: Noss (SI09), Papa (SI06),
                      Hildasay (SI07), Vaila (SI10), Bigga (SI19), Hascosay
                      (SI21) and Linga (SI23). Other possibilities, but not
                      ruled out are: Vementry (SI13), Papa Little (SI14),
                      West Linga (SI16), Linga (SI17) and Balta (SI25).
  September 16-20th - Orkney Island Group: Papa Stronsay (OI25), Linga
                      Holm (OI21), Cava (OI09) and Calf of Eday (OI29).
                      Other possibilities, but not ruled out are: Swona
                      (OI01), Switha (OI03), Copinsay (OI12), Muckle
                      Green Holm (OI20), Eynhallow (OI24), Holm of Scock
                      Ness (OI26) and Faray (OI28).
H81, PANAMA (Lighthouse Op). Members of the PCARA (Panama Canal Amateur
Radio Association) will activate Panama Canal Miraflores Locks Lighthouse
(PAN-030) with the special callsign H81L on August 22nd. QSL via address
HG8, HUNGARY (WFF Op). Members of the Association Radio Amateurs of
Vesztoi (HA8KWO) will activate the historical place named Veszto-Magor
from eastern Hungary in Koros-Maros National Park (HAFF-008) between
now and August 21st. The callsigns to be used are HG8SDS (QSL via HA8PH)
and HG8WFF (QSL via HA8MT). Activity will be on all HF bands.
IOTA NEWS....................
   EU-009.  Members of the Orkney Amateur Radio Club will once again
            activate the Noup Head lighthouse (BARLS A3736, ARLHS SCO-158,
            WLOTA L-0945, WAB HY44) on Westray Island (EU-009, IOSA OR02,
            SCOTIA OI31) in the Orkney Islands between now and August 27th.
            Their main activity will be during the International Lighthouse/
            Lightship Weekend (August 21-22nd). Using the callsign GB1OL,
            they hope to have 3-4 stations on all bands using CW, SSB and
            the Digital modes. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW and eQSL. For
            a paper QSL, send direct to MM5DWW and enclose either 2 USDs
            or 1 IRC w/SAE. NO BUREAU QSLS PLEASE. For more info, go to:
   EU-012.  A group of YL operators will be active as GB2SLH from the
            Sumburgh Head Lighthouse (BARLS A3766, ARLHS SCO 232, WLOTA
            L-0867, WW Loc. IO99IU, WAB HU40) on the southern tip of main-
            land Shetland (EU-012, IOSA SH01, SCOTIA SI11) between now
            and August 27th. Activity will be mainly during the Inter-
            national Lighthouse/Lightship Weekend (August 21-22nd). QSL
            via M5YLO. For more details, visit the Web site at:
   EU-097.  Operators Jari/OH1BOI, Kalle/OH1FEQ and Hannu/OH1JJO will be
            active as OH1AV/2 from Vormo Island (WW Loc. KP20ca, OHC208
            Inkoo) between August 20-22nd. Activity will be on all bands,
            propagation permitting. QSL via OH1BOI, direct or by the Bureau.
   EU-142.  Operators Silvia/EA1AP (YL), Juanjo/EA1CJ, Alberto/EA1SA,
            Javier/EA2JB, Juan/EA2RC and Roberto/EA2RY will be active
            as EG1OTA from Mouro Island between August 28-29th. Activity
            will be all bands from 80-10 meters. QSL via EA2RC.
   EU-147.  Operators Mikhail/RA1ALA, Dmitry/RA1ALK and Alex/RX1AW will
            be active as homecall/1 from Russky Island between August
            16-28th. Activity will be on the HF bands. QSL via their
            home callsigns.
   EU-172.  Ric, DL2VFR, will be active as OZ0FR/p from the Vesborg Fyr
            Lighthouse (DEN-046) on Samsoe Island (DIA JY-008) between
            now and August 20th. Activity will be mostly CW, with some SSB,
            and on all HF bands using 100 watts. QSL via DL2VFR, by the
            bureau or direct. DO NOT QSL via the OZ Bureau!
   NA-029.  George, K3GV, will be active as K3GV/VY2 from Prince Edward
            Island (NA-029, CISA PE-001, WLOTA 0523) between September
            1-30th. Activity will be on 15 and 20 meters around the usual
            IOTA frequencies. QSL via his home callsign, direct or by the
  Aug  16    AN          SOLAR REFERENCE KEYS
  Aug  17    AN          --------------------
  Aug  18    AN          BN - Below Normal
  Aug  19    AN          AN - Above Normal/Geomagnetic Level is QUIET
  Aug  20    AN          LN - Low Normal
  Aug  21    AN          HN - High Normal/Geomagnetic Level is UNSETTLED
  Aug  22    AN          DIS  - Disturbed
                         VDIS - Very Disturbed
    QUIET - The "A" index is expected to be between
            0-7 and the "K" index will be 2 or less
    UNSETTLED - The "A" index is expected to be between
            7-16 and "K" index will be 3 or less
N3, UNITED STATES (911 Special Event). Look for special event station
"N3U/United Flight 93" to be activated between September 9-13th, to
remind "Amateur Radio Operators World-Wide" of the tragic events that
happened near "Shanksville (Pa), New York City and Washington DC on
September 11, 2001." This operation (along with the prior "P41USA"
operations from Aruba Island) will be sponsored by the "Blair Amateur
Radio Society" (W3PN) along with various local, state and government
agencies (City of Altoona, Blair County Pa, Red Cross, EMA/911, LEPC,
PEMA, DHS). The "N3U/United Flt 93" operators will include: Bob/W3BTX
& P49T, Roy/W3TEF and various other W3PN club members. They also intend
to be active on different bands and modes during this "first-ever" initial
upcoming operation in September 2010. Suggested operating frequencies
are (+/- QRM):
   CW  - 1810, 3530, 7030, 10120, 14030, 18090, 21030, 24895 and 28030
   SSB - 1850, 3820, 7195, 14240, 18130, 21300, 24930 and 28485 kHz
   6m  - 1810/CW and 1850/SSB
   QSL N3U/Flt 93 via W3PN, by the Bureau or direct (Please include SASE
and enough return postage. If additional postage is needed...your QSL
will be returned via the BUREAU). SPECIAL NOTE: USA postage rates will
increase in 2011. PLEASE no eQSL or LoTW at this time. For more details,
ON, BELGIUM (Special Event). Members of the Radio Club of Binche (ON7RY)
will activate the special event station ON4WAR between September 4-5th.
This activity is to commemorate the sacrifice of the Belgian Resistance
(WWII) and especially those of the Refuge B 40 in Waudrez, Belgium. The
timetable of the activities are as follows:
   Sept. 4th - Saturday between 9:00 AM and 06:00 PM local time (1100-1800z)
   Sept. 5th - Sunday between 08:00 AM and 04:00 PM  local time (1000-1600z)
PLEASE NOTE MODES OF OPERATIONS: At the top of the hour up to the hour and
a half, CW transmissions with a Whaddon Paraset MK VII on 3.560 MHz, 3.579
MHz, 3.583 MHz and 7.025 MHz. At the hour and a half up to the next hour,
SSB transmissions on the HF bands. QSL information via ON7RY, direct or
by the Bureau. For more info about the ON4WAR station and about the history
of Refuge B 40, visit the Web site at:
OZ, DENMARK (IOTA and WFF Op). Look for Enrico "Ric", OZ0FR, to be active
as OZ0FR/p during the following locations and dates:
   August 14-20th - From Samso Island (IOTA EU-172, Danish Island Award
                    JY-008); activity on CW and SSB. QSL via DL2VFR.
   August 21-27th - From the National Park Mols Bjerge (WFF: OZFF-002);
                    activity on CW and SSB. QSL via DL2VFR.
PJ2, NETHERLANDS ANTILLES. Some of members of the Caribbean Contesting
Consortium (CCC) will once again activate Signal Point Station on Curacao
(SA-006, WLOTA LH-0942) as PJ2T during the CQWW DX SSB Contest (October
30-31st) as a Multi-Multi entry. Operators mentioned are Geoff/W0CG
(PJ2DX), John/K6AM, Gary/K9SG, Bob/N8NR, Wayne/K8LEE, Joe/W9JUV, Helmut/
DF7ZS, Sam/DL5RDO and Bernhard/DL5RDP. QSL PJ2T via N9AG or LoTW. ADDED
NOTE: Remember that this island could be a possible new DXCC entity as
of October 10th, 2010. So do not be surprised if you hear some of the
above operators active before the contest as PJ2/homecall or their own
PJ2 callsign.
PJ4, NETHERLANDS ANTILLES (Update). Members of the South East Europe
Contest Club (SEECC) are planning to be active from Bonaire (SA-006 and
WLOTA L1279) for the "2011" CQWW DX SSB Contest. The operation will
take place between October 25th and November 1st. It is expected that
this will be a new DXCC entity by then. Operators mentioned are: Romeo/
S52RU, Dale/N3BNA, Marko/YT2T, Maurizio/IV3ZXQ, Zvonko/Z35W, Fabrizio/
IW3SQY, Acim/YU1YV and Noah/K2NG. Activity will be on 160/80/40/20/15/10/6
meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL Manager is YU1YV. More details and
PJ4, NETHERLANDS ANTILLES. Kelly, N0VD, informs OPDX, stating "a DXpedition
is in the planning stages that will activate Bonaire (PJ4, IOTA SA-006,
WLOTA L1279) for two weeks in anticipation of the new DXCC status on
10/10/10. A multi-national team is being formed with 6 locations expected
to be on the air including the Radio Netherlands relay facility. Current
list of operators include Peter/PJ4NX, Hans/PJ4LS, Peter/PA8A, Fred/PA8F,
Rob/PA3GVI, Bert/PE2KY, Marco/PE2MC, Jo/PA9JO, Henk/PD5TS, Michiel/PG4M,
Kelly/N0VD, John/K6AM, Ken/W0LSD and Scott/W4PA." Currently a Web site is
under construction and is expected to feature real time logs in additional
to the typical log search, at:         http://
A full press release is expected in the near future.
PJ4, NETHERLANDS ANTILLES (Late Breaking News about Bonaire [PJ4]). The
following news will probably affect the above operation. On August 14th,
"Radio Netherlands Worldwide" reports: "Bonaire referendum postponed
again -- A referendum on the political future of Bonaire, planned for 3
September, has been postponed indefinitely. The decision was taken by the
island's governing council on Friday afternoon.
   The referendum commission had requested a postponement until 1 October,
to provide more time to inform the public about the poll. But when, or
even whether, it will now be held is unclear. A referendum planned for
March of this year also never took place.
   On 10 October 2010, the Netherlands Antilles, of which Bonaire is the
main island in a five-island group off the coast of South America, will
be dissolved as a single political entity. The islands of Curacao and Sint
Maarten will become independent countries within the Kingdom of the
Netherlands. The islands of Bonaire, Saba and Sint Eustatius will become
'special councils' of the Netherlands.
    But on Bonaire itself there is considerable resistance to the conse-
quences of integration within the Netherlands."
QSL INFO AND NEWS.....................
   QSL-INFO from DB0SDX (dated August 8th)
   3Z0LH via SP1DPA        EA6/DM5HF/P via DM5HF   IT9/IW0HBY via IW0HBY
   3Z0RADIO via SP9SX      EF5CR via EC5CR         IY6GM via IK6VXO
   3Z1BLH via SP1DOZ       EG7LE via EA-Bureau     J48LH via SV3DCX
   3Z1CLH via SP1DPA       EM75MSD via UX7MA       J48LL via SV8IJZ
   4O7EW via YT3W          EO5JFF via UY7IQ        JW/DF2SS via DF2SS
   5Z4/IZ7ATN via IZ7ATN   F/TU5KG via F4EFI       K4L via W4BTI
   7P8JK via WB6OJB        GG100GG via M0ACL       KH0/KT3Q via KH0/KT3Q
   9A/PA2M via PA2M        GS2MP via N3SL          KH2/KT3Q via DL3OCH
   9M8DX/2 via SP5UAF      HA/ON6UU via ON6UU      KH2/N2NL via W2YC
   AD5A/KL5 via AD5A       HF720S via SP3FGQ       LA/DL3YDX via DL3YDX
   CT7/DL4IAL via DL4IAL   HK1N via EA5KB          LA/DL7JOM via DL7JOM
   CV5UC via CX5UR         HK1R via EA5KB          LZ05WFF via LZ1BJ
   D2QV via UA0QV          IA5/IZ5OQA via IZ5OQA   LZ44WFF via LZ1ZF
   E73EPA via YT8BB        IM0/I0PNM via I0PNM     N5A via N5KUR
   EA4FTV/EA8 via EA4FTV   IS0/I2MOV via I2MOV     OH100S via OH7GIG
               OK8WFF via DF6EX             SO1EKO/P via DL1EKO
               OX3DL via OV5A               SQ100HP via SP9ZHR
               PA100J via PC2S              SU1SK via SM5AQD (direct)
               PA10WSF via PA0FAW           SY7STAR via SZ7SER
               PC10SAIL via PA0RDY          TF/DL2WJT via DL2WJT
               PJ7/K5SL via K5SL            TF/DL3SEM via DL3SEM
               PP2/DL3SEZ via DL3SEZ        TK/IK2OFO via IK2OFO
               R0/US0IW via US0IW           TM40FIL via F6KPQ
               R3/EU6DA via IK2DUW          TM89YON via F5KCC
               R3/SM6LRR via SM6LRR         UT5KDS via IK2DUW
               R3/UR5IRM via UR5IRM         V31UB via KU5B
               S50PTUJ via S59DJK           VR2/F4BKV via
               S79DB via EA4DB              XR200R via CE1KR
               SA2BRN via DK7QB             YI1RZ via IK2DUW
               SG3U via SM3CXS              YP1WFF via YO6EZ
               SN30SOL via SP2AYC           YT40E via YT1E
                                            Z30V via DJ0LZ
   OLD OUTGOING QSLS FOUND! Al, VE1AL, reports: "I am ashamed to admit
   that I have found a box of QSLs that I thought had been sent via the
   Bureau many years ago. The cards are for QSOs with CY9DXX, CY0DXX,
   VE1AL and VF1L, plus a few for other callsigns I have used. I am
   integrating my 2010 QSLs for VE1AL with these cards, and they should
   be in the mail to the Bureau within the next few weeks. Well over
   1000 QSLs are involved, and I regret that many will probably be returned
   due to various reasons. All of my computerized logs have been uploaded
   to LoTW, but that does not include the CY9 or CY0DXX logs. I'd appreciate
   it if the various bulletin editors would let their readers know this
   HG7T, HK1X, KP2M, LX0HQ, OG6N, ON4LR, ON6NP, PT5T, S52OP, S50HQ, R3AT,
   H44WG, HA8RM, IS0R, J5V, J6/G3PJT, MU/PA4N, PJ4NX, T22ZL, T30XG, T32MI,
   9A3SM, 9A4W, 9A5W, 9A800VZ, AH2Y, AO8HQ, CS6AFATI, CS6A, CT1CDP, CU2DX,
   and ZP6CW
SILENT KEY. Chip Margelli, K7JA, from Heil Sound, informed everyone on
the "Contest Reflector" this past week: "I am deeply saddened to report
that Dr. Len Kaufer, KH0AC, became a Silent Key today (August 12th) in his
home on beautiful Saipan. Len, formerly KG6SW, went out to the Trust
Territory of Saipan in the 1960s as a Jesuit priest. He brought his
longtime love of Amateur Radio with him, and eventually met an island
girl named Connie Tenorio. Connie won out over the priesthood, and they
eventually got married after a personal letter from the Pope (!) convinced
Connie's strict father that it really would be OK if she married a "former"
priest. Len was everyone's Saipan multiplier for many years...." OPDX and
its readers would like to send out our deepest sympathy to the family
and friends of KH0AC.
TK, CORSICA. Tano, IZ8GCB, will be active as TK5A during the CQWW DX CW
Contest (November 27-28th) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via IZ8GCB
only direct. For more details, see:
TO7, ST. BARTHELEMY. Operators Lot/DJ7ZG and Babs/DL7AFS will be active
as TO7ZG from Flamand Beachn(NA-146, DIFO FJ-001, WLOTA L-0377) between
October 6-20th. Activity will probably be on 80-6 meters with operations
mainly on RTTY, PSK and SSB. QSL via DL7AFS, either by the DARC Bureau or
direct. For updates, watch:
V5, NAMIBIA. John, HB9PHJ, will be active as V5/HB9PHJ between now and
August 30th. Activity is on all HF bands. QSL via his home callsign.
WEBINAR (Contesting in Africa). The Potomac Valley Radio Club (PVRC) from
Washington DC will hosts a Webinar (seminar on the Web) on "Contesting in
Africa" on August 22nd, at 1900z. You can watch the live-streaming present-
ations on the InterNet present by Mike Fulcher/KC7V and Roger Western/G3SXW,
members of the Voo Doo Contest Group. They provide a look at the challenges
and excitement of operating the CQWW DX Contest from various West Africa
countries. The presentation is based on Roger's book "Contesting in
They state, "DXpeditions typically are complex operations, especially
where the goal is to win a major contest. Long lists of details must be
attended to, including licensing, visas, vaccinations as required,
transportation, clothing, tools, accommodation, siting, not to mention
organizing tons of radio equipment and antennas at the right place at
the right time." Space is limited, so reserve your Webinar seat now at:
** IMPORTANT NOTICE/REMINDER ** The Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin now has a new
FAX number. Contributors can now send/fax their DX information to the
following number:        1-419-828-7791 ( F A X only! )
SPECIAL NOTE BY EDITOR: If you are having a problem receiving bounced
mail by sending mail to me via " ", please send
mail to me via " "...... TNX de Tedd KB8NW
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Creation date: Aug 15, 2010 3:43pm     Last modified date: Aug 15, 2010 3:44pm   Last visit date: Feb 16, 2025 8:36pm
6 / 1000 posts
Aug 29, 2023  ( 2 posts )  
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Oct 28, 2021  ( 1 post )  
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Oct 3, 2021  ( 1 post )  
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Jan 23, 2011  ( 1 post )  
Bob Elek (w3hkk)
DX SPOT-KC4/WB9YSD: Antarctica:  was busy working US and EU  around 0200-0300z on 7020.5 khz JAN 23rd, with a solid 559-569 signal. (Sat night local time. 9-10pm)
Steve is the first Antarctic station Ive heard on 40m in years.  Take a listen tonight and next Sat night around 9-10pm local time to see if he reappears...Bob
Oct 2, 2010  ( 1 post )