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Cookies on KeepandShare
Bob and others that might have problems posting to KeepandShare. Make sure you have "low" or "all" cookies enabled on your browswer. Go to Tools|Internet Settings| Privacy and set internet zone Privacy to low.
If you are uncomfortable with that setting, go to Tools | Internet Settings |Privacy and add   as a trusted site.  That will override your internet zone general setting.   I just tried access via cookenmember with the club general password and got access to everything that members are allowed to access.  Since your ID has same access as that group it should work with you too.

These settings are for IE8, other browsers are similar.
Some people for whatever reason are uncomfortable with allowing any third party cookies on their computer.  These advanced interactive features are possible only if you let the server know who you are. 
The hint that you do not have proper level of cookies enabled is that you will not show a logged on name on top of each screen.  Let me know if that does not work. I have attempted to enable public read access to most stuff to accomodate those that never want to interact with the site.

As a general rule, always consider what you are posting on any of the threads. You are publishing to the web and nothing of a private or confidential nature should ever be entered into ANYSITE that allows public access like we do. 

Enjoy but be prudent.

Creation date: Dec 31, 1969 8:00pm     Last modified date: Sep 14, 2010 6:46pm   Last visit date: Jan 14, 2025 9:30am
2 / 1000 posts
Oct 28, 2021  ( 1 post )  
anonymous user (anonymous)


Sep 29, 2021  ( 1 post )  
anonymous user (anonymous)