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Meeting Minutes November
The November meeting was called to order at the COTC Library by President Jack Guilkey on Saturday November 21. Fourteen members were present:
Old Business. 
The Treasurer reported that we have $270.65 in cash and bank accounts as of today.
Jack Reported that he had been unable to post pictures for a Silent Key memorial for N8KBE (Randy Smith) on the Cooken KeepandShare Website.  Eldon agreed to look into Jack's security settings and Jack will forward a copy of the picture to Eldon who will start a Silent Key Page for Pictures and Obits of deceased Cooken members.
Ed Note: followup.  Jack has all the right security permissions so it must have something to do with his browswer setup.
I.  Constitution and By-Law changes.  A motion was made and Ammended by Mike Michelson to change the way Cooken amends by-laws or our constitution. 
Here is what our current constitution says in Article VII: 
"This constitution or the By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the total membership. Proposals for amendments shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting and shall be voted on at the next following regular meeting, provided all members have been notified by mail of the intent to amend the constitution and/or By-Laws at said meeting. Robert's Rules shall govern proceedings."
Recently, the two thirds majority has been hard to obtain.  We currently have several quasi-approved ammendments that have not had the proper majority or advance advertising documented and recorded as required. 
Mike's ammended motion in essence would change article VII to read:
"This constitution or the By-Laws may be amended by a simple majority ( 50% plus 1) vote of the total paid membership. Proposals for amendments shall be submitted in writing at a regular meeting and shall be voted on at the next following regular meeting, provided all members have been notified by mail or email of the intent to amend the constitution and/or By-Laws at said next meeting. E-mail or regular mail proxy votes addressed to the Cooken Secretary may be added to quorum for those absent.  Those proxy votes must be submitted prior to the meeting the vote is taken. Robert's Rules shall govern proceedings."
NOTE:  Per Robert's Rules, we will have to meet the old majority rules at the election where we change this rule.  It will take effect after that vote.  Maybe we can offer a bribe at the January meeting.
There was also some discussion on the down side to allowing proxy votes.  This was mainly based on those absent not being present to hear any discusssions.  Members did agree that in this electronic age, we could encourage bringing any discenting opions out in the blogs, nets, or other electronic communication tools we have now.  The motion as ammended passed after considerable discussion.


This constitution revision will be added to the other two pending changes and turned over to the membership prior to or at December meeting.  That would mean that the earliest vote would be at the January meeting.
The secretary took the action to put the change package together and to re-post the existing constitution and by-laws on the Cooken Website.  All other actions regarding the Constitution and By-Law changes have been tabled pending adding this change.  The entire change package will be be reviewed by the executive committee prior to presenting it to the entire membership in December.
II.  W3HKK presented a sample of some his most interesting QSL cards.  He also reminded members of upcoming 160 meter contests and asked if anyone had the real estate to put up a competivite 160 M antenna.
III.  K8EM presented a short program on using web based Software Defined Radios to monitor your outgoing signals.
IV.  NR8U presented an interesting video on county hunting.  The video can also be downloaded from .  Some other interesting sites Bob listed are   and  County Hunting nets now agumented by web based QSO coordination arrangements can be found on 3901, 7188, and 14,336  KHz.
The meeting adjourned at 1305.

Creation date: Nov 30, 2010 10:55am     Last modified date: Aug 6, 2013 6:13pm   Last visit date: Oct 23, 2024 11:43pm
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