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Meeting Minutes December 2010
The meeting was called to order by President Jack Guilkey at 12 Noon.
There were 13 members present.  W5UHQ, KA8W ( John Auer's new vanity call) , WD8DKZ, W3HKK,KC8AHN,W8NM,N8DFQW, ASC8GI, KD8MSS, WD8BBE, K8NQ, KD8DZ, KC8AHN.
We welcomed a new member Stephen Bonior KD8MSS from Reynoldsburg.
The treasurer reported no change from the November report, however the Christmas party expense and latest dues were not logged yet.
Eldon handed out the final draft of the by law and constitution changes being proposed for vote in January.  These changes were also emailed to all members who were not present and are also on the discussion formum of KeepandShare. 
Members discussed using 50.130 USB for the next 5th Thursday Net on December 30th.  We also would like to take a poll on moving the 1st  Thursday net to that frequency next year since the propogation has proven to be great for the entire county.  Any comments here on the blog or does anyone ever read this?   One of the original considerations for the net was to choose modes and frequencies available to Techs.  Is that still important for all nets since we have very few tech members anymore?
We also had a report from the Contest Coordinator W3HKK on upcoming contests.  Any interested in another group activity.  Several of the late winter contests allow club entries too.  So make sure if you operate from your home station you contact W3HKK for how to mark your log so cooken gets credits.  We also discussed Field Day and made a tenative decision to ask for Four Church Farm again.  The secretary will look into reserving the farm for that weekend.
The meeting Adjourned at 12:40 for our annual pizza party. Lots of good eyeball QSOs and great food followed and was enjoyed by all present.

Creation date: Dec 16, 2010 7:10pm     Last modified date: Aug 6, 2013 6:04pm   Last visit date: Oct 1, 2024 12:36pm
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