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Meeting Minutes July 2011

Newly elected president Mike Mickelson KD8DZ  opened the meeting at COTC at 12:00 on July 9, 2011


Those present at the meeting included:



The group was informed of the passing of member Dick Winbigler.  His service will be Sunday July 10.  Eldon is adding his information to the Silent Key page on website and needs pictures for a special photo album set up for Dick's memories. See Photo Album on KeepandShare.


W3HKK reported on the status of the VHF contest.  K8EM and KD8DZ and AC8GI reported on ARRL Field Day activities.  AC8GI has prepared the club entry and presented the summary data being sent in.  Everyone reported a good time at Field and thanks were expressed to all who furnished equipment, location, logistics, and operating time to the event. AC8GI reported a total of 1106 points for Field Day.


W3HKK also reported an upcoming CQ VHF contest on July 16-17.  Likely club members will work from their own QTH but are encouraged to list Cooken as their home club in header record. Bob says six has been hot this month so it should be a good chance to get some grid squares and even dxcc countries during the contest.


The Ohio QSO party should be on 8-27-2011 this year ( Sec note:  But there is a posting on internet  that indicates this party may be moved to winter months to trigger more participation??.  Need to check with Mad River folks before we commit to August 27). I remember there being two heads to the this contest snake in years past. Wish they would get their story together and report via one source. Bob asked for a volunteer to host the contest group that day if it is indeed held...Any takers? .  Another approach is to operate from home and pool logs as a club.


K8EM reported that club will be operating a Special Event Station honoring John Clemm at the Ohio Historical Society on August 13th. The times and frequency is shown on the PR sheets that we are sending out.  We also have always used W8TNX for the call for this event and certs are already set up for that callsign.  Eldon reported that everything is ready since we had to cancel last year due to confusion over the use of the site.  This year hopefully will be better reserved, however that is still the day of the National Trails tour through that neighborhood which was really noisy last year.  See more info on the cooken website and the W8TNX page on NOTE:  The regular August meeting of COOKEN will be held at the event site that day.


The OSPOTA  is still scheduled Saturday Sept 10.  Bob W3HKK is coordinating with WD8E on the use of the Tender  cabin at the park.  NOTE: The regular September meeting will be held at the lake that day at noon.



Jack also reported that KD3BAJ has requested COOKEN support for the 54th Jamboree on the Air  on the third weekend in October.  Jack will continue coordination with David to determine what kind of support of the club is needed.  Something was mentioned but tabled about combining the October meeting with that even, but the majority decided do wait to determine the exact date and what we will be doing.  As of now, the October meeting will be held at COTC.


W5UHQ offered to present a program on "Electrolytic Capacitors,  All you need to know and then some"   in October.


W5UHQ presented a motion to change our weekly Thursday nets to 50.250 MHz USB except for the Fifth Thursdays ( when they occur) which will be held on rotating bands to be decided during the fourth session when applicable.  The purpose of the change is to accomodate propogation conditons to allow communications from all ends of the County.  The motion was seconded and approved.  W5UHQ will update the website and diseminate the info to members. Members wishing to explore different modes or bands are encouraged to make a request during the 6 meter sessions.


The business meeting was dismissed at 12:45 and followed by a PowerPoint by KD8DZ on the various Field Day 2011 activies by three local clubs besides COOKEN.  Thanks for the great pictures Mike.





Creation date: Jul 10, 2011 4:18pm     Last modified date: Aug 6, 2013 6:08pm   Last visit date: Sep 10, 2024 10:03am
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