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Meeting Minutes August 2011

The August meeting was held in conjunction with our John Clem Special Event at Webb House of the Licking Historical Society on 8-13-2011.

Thanks to Brad AC8GX for taking these minutes since W5UHQ was detained.


The meeting was opened by Mike KD8Dz at 12:00.

John W8NM was absent and there was no Treasurers Report.


Steve Katz and John Sullivan were requested to get with the Treasurer and perform the yearly audit of COOKEN books and report back next meeting.


Bob reminded all that the Ohio QSO party will be held on August 27 at the Four Church Farm.  We plan to have two stations.  Contact W3HKK if you want to participate.

Directions to the farm can be found on   website.  ( click 4 church farm on menu).  Watch the cooken blog for more info on the contest.


On September 10th we will also celebrate the Ohio State Parks on the Air Contest at the Tender cottage on Buckeye Lake.  This event will encompass the September Cooken meeting. Watch the COOKEN blog for more info on the event.


The October meeting will be held at OSU Newark at  regular time.  W5UHQ will present a powerpoint show on the Care and Feeding of Electrolytic Capacitors ( The most unreliable elements in today's electronic equipment).


New Business-  Russ Payne requested support for our soldiers now- input for buy a box program. The request was tabled without any defined action in the minutes.

                     Russ Payne request that Cooken provide inputs on how to rejuvinate interest in NARA.

                     Discussion followed.  Steve Katz stated that he would like to see NARA become more of a repeater cusodian body and concentrate on that task with perhaps yearly or semi annual meetings. Jack stated that Cooken should not itself financially support NARA expenses such as phone bills to control the repeater.  He stated that many Cooken members including several that are not active in NARA are members primarily to help support the repeater.  Eldon agreed with Jack and emphasized that our budget does not have room for funding NARA investments. He did state that Cooken should make NARA members welcome if and such they decide to become a repeater governing body without regular general interest meetings. Russ re-stated that he was not asking for monetary support but just some ideas to help the club become more vibrant during a loll in activity.  The subject was tabled without any Cooken actioni.


Mike closed the meeting at 12:27 to continue the contesting and allowing all members to enjoy a box lunch.



Creation date: Aug 25, 2011 2:47pm     Last modified date: Aug 6, 2013 6:01pm   Last visit date: Jan 12, 2025 8:50am
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