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Meeting Minutes July 2012

COOKEN Minutes July 2012


  1. Meeting was brought to order by Mike M KD8DZ.
  2. Sign-in sheet passed around and everyone introduced themselves. One visitor present, Steve Salyers, who is not yet licensed as an amateur radio operator, is an experienced military radio operator, and very interested in getting licensed and active with amateur radio in our county.
  3. Minutes were taken by Mary Beth KD8OMU in the absence of Eldon W5UHQ. Members were reminded that the minutes of the May 12th meeting are posted on the COOKEN website (
  4. Treasurer’s Report given by John  W8NM: balance $444.44, $46 undeposited funds from paid dues. Membership count = 22. No expenditures. Motion by John  N8DFQ and seconded by Kevin P AC8GI to approve the report. Motion carried. John M W8NM stated that an audit should be conducted this summer. Steve K ……….will be asked to assist; Weldon K8NQ volunteered to assist. Members present paid dues during the meeting so the balance on hand at the end of the meeting was $568.44.
  5. The ballot for new officers was given:  President Mike M KD8DZ, VP John  N8DFQ, Secretary Eldon W5UHQ, Treasurer John  W8NM. The motion was made by Jack K8EM and seconded by John  N8DFQ to close nominations and accept the ballot.  Motion carried. Officers were unanimously elected.
  6. President’s Report: The Columbus HamFest and OH Section ARRL State Convention will be held August 11th 8am – 4pm, atAladdinShrineTemple,Columbus.
  7. Committee Reports/Announcements:
    1. UHF/VHF Content June 9&10,2012: Bob   W3HKK reported that the 2012 contest was the best ever: 185 contacts compared to 128 in 2011. Participants included Kevin, Jack, Russ, & Tom
    2. Field Day June 22-23, 2012: Bob reported for the group: 1185 contacts, total of 3788 points including 530 bonus points. Lots of youth participation.
    3. Johnny Clem special event station August 11th, 2012 at Webb House, Newark: set-up at  8am; be on the air 9 – 4pm,. Jack K8EM encouraged members to come early. Ralph WD8BBE volunteered to bring an antenna. (As date conflicts with ARRL State meeting, members are encouraged to “do both” if at all possible.)
    4. Ohio QSO Pot-Luck Party/Contest August 25th at Eldon’s home and “new” ham shack”: noon to midnight. Motion was made by Bob W3HKK and seconded by Jack K8EM to hold the August COOKEN meeting there. Motion carried.
    5. OhioState Parks on-the-air (OSPOTA) September 8th at Fritz’ WD8E, Fairfield Beach area, Buckeye Lake. Operating  noon – 8pm. Plan on 3 stations, set-up the day before if possible. COOKEN placed 1st overall in 2010 and 2nd in 2011.
    6. ARES Report: Weldon K8NQ reported that ham support of the June 9 Tour de Cure went very well, and he thanked members for their assistance.  He also gave highlights of storm support by amateur radio operators the weekend of June 29th , 2012. Weldon described an update to the repeater tower at Horn’s Hill. He will schedule an ARES meeting at the ARC soon. The discussion topic for the ARES net on July 18th will be sharing experiences during the storm, including specifics related to generator use.
    7. Old Business
      1. Tower at the Barn: As the owner has agreed to its installation, Kevin, Brad and Jack will proceed to prepare a donated tower for that site.
      2. HexBeam Fund clarification:  8 people paid donations of $70 toward HexBeam. Each will get a $9 rebate, or can donate it to the COOKEN Club. Subsequently, several others made donations which went into the Club treasury. At Field Day 2012 there was some antenna damage when it was dismantled. These monies will be used to reimburse Brad for expenses incurred in replacing broken elements. Brad should submit a bill to Treasurer John W8NM.
      3. New Business
        1. Fritz WD8E has asked to be relieved as Club Trustee for club call signs (3) and other club materials and equipment. Kevin AC8GI has offered to take on this important task for the club including maintaining the Log Book of the World certificates and entering results of contests.  Motion made by Jack K8EM and seconded by John S N8DFQ to elect Kevin as COOKEN trustee. Motion passed unanimously.
        2. Upcoming programs: September program: Brad will do on “Tower Safety”’  October Program: “Generators”, as follow-up to storm debriefing.
        3. Ohio QSO Party award: Bob W3HKK recommended that the COOKEN Club sponsor an award for the highest score outside ofOhio. The award would be a plaque that costs $60. Motion was made by Mary Beth KD8OMU and seconded by Kevin AC8GI that the Club sponsor this award. Discussion that followed addressed the value for visibility in being the sponsor of the award, healthy financial status of the Club at this time, and need to maintain a prudent reserve so we can use Club funds for this type of project in the future. Motion passed unanimously.
        4. VE Exam session: The question “Should we administer one?” will be turned over to the Publicity Committee. Brad, Eldon, Weldon, Kevin, and Jack are available as VE Examiners. John M suggested that we schedule the 2nd Saturday in November, and market it well in the community. Further planning will occur at future COOKEN meetings.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:20pm

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Beth KD8OMU

Creation date: Jul 17, 2012 4:41pm     Last modified date: Sep 25, 2013 3:40am   Last visit date: Feb 16, 2025 5:02pm
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