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Law Enforcement Crisis

Aug 23 Glenn Beck with John Whitehead interview



As soon as I understood the irrefutable concepts about 9/11, I could foresee the coming showdown in our country/world, when a critical mass of people grasped the capital guilt of the perpetrators of that mass murder. Even in pagans and atheists, sometimes God's law written in their hearts gets snagged by evil so blatant that they become bold to risk their lives and property to bear witness to truth.


I could see that city/county/state law enforcement folks were going to have their moral crisis whether to keep taking subsidies/paycheck from the corrupt Federal level to violate the rights of the people they swore to protect, or whether they were going to refuse, and rally to a lesser magistrate to war against such blatant evil, either ideologically, or by force.


I have interviewed a career pastor in the Hillsboro area, serving in recent years as chaplain to the local law enforcement. When I asked about the caliber of men with badges, and if they might be rallied by conspiracy truth, his phrase for them was "brute beasts" -- ie. not encouraging.


In 2014, I had a conversation with a Washington County Deputy Sheriff, asking him if they were aware of the conflict of interest and the showdown coming -- of having to chose between fulfilling their oath to enforce law in protection of their constituency, or obeying the directives that would be coming down with the Federal Money funding their department. He said they talk about it all the time.


For a long time, the air waves/internet are full of warnings that the US Govt has declared war on its own people, something I basically understood when I took the Constitution oath in 1979 for US Army Guard. Now with NDAA, Patriot Act and subsequent moves pushing the envelope, and now this Brandon Raub, where neither the Federals, nor local policemen would admit that they arrested him, yet he was taken away with out charges and detained all the same. If it walks like a duck.......

Creation date: Aug 24, 2012 7:08pm     Last modified date: Aug 23, 2015 2:21pm   Last visit date: Sep 4, 2024 10:32pm
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