STATUS as of 9/24, 20:30
Location: Art Institute of Portland TENTATIVE
Time: 14 October 2012, 15:00 - 18:00 CONFLICTED
Posted by Jevelyan September 1 at 2:43 PM
How about meeting in a library room (
Posted by Philip September 1 at 6:01 PM
Sounds good to me.
Posted by Nate Sullivan September 1 at 6:24 PM
Something like that works for me...
Posted by Jennifer Bogartz September 2 at 6:10 PM
That would work for me.
Posted by Jevelyan September 9 at 10:23 PM
Long story short, library room use has some limit$ (https://apps.beavertonoregon...).
Posted by Philip September 9 at 11:20 PM
I noticed that SeaBUG has held meetings at The Art Institute of Seattle. We could meet at The Art Institute of Portland probably. I know a couple people that attend, and I've visited it a couple times myself.
The projector is very convenient as it is HD and quite portable :)
Posted by Jevelyan September 10 at 12:05 PM
Can you touch bases w/ those friends &/or the Institute before we meet... probe the possibilities?
Posted by Jennifer Bogartz September 11 at 6:44 PM
I live in SW Portland. Because people are coming from Vancouver as well as Beaverton, why not meet somewhere closer to downtown or inner SE Portland?
Posted by Jennifer Bogartz September 11 at 6:48 PM
If I remember correctly, there is The Art Institute in downtown Portland.
Posted by Dave LoCicero September 11 at 6:49 PM
I agree that a centralized location would be ideal. I too live in the metro area inner SE.
Posted by Nate Sullivan September 11 at 8:35 PM
We might consider Portland Park and Rec, or PCC. Park and Rec is the best for Sunday, and while there's a small fee, it not too bad. I can set up if the Art Institute doesn't work out. http://www.portlandonline.c...
Posted by Philip September 12 at 11:19 PM
AI Portland asked me to follow up by email with: date, time (start and finish), and room size needed. So a number of participants needs to be estimated.
They teach Blender, so I assume they have it installed on some machines. I can probably request a Blender lab with a projector.
October 14, 3pm-6pm. Sounds like enough time?
We have 11 Blenderheads here right now; I'm guessing we'll see a boost once we announce it on Blendernation. So maybe estimate for a 15 person room. Or more like 20?
Posted by Will September 12 at 12:24 PM
I live in St Johns and my preference would be a meeting place in 15 mile biking distance, but I would drive a hundred miles to meet up with some Blenderheads.
Posted by Jevelyan September 12 at 8:51 PM
I’ve been to 1 SeaBUG. If the Prtlnd AI also has a Blender-installed computer lab w/ instructor’s presentation screen, & will host us for free, that might be the best.
Posted by Jennifer Bogartz September 13 at 9:21 AM
That sounds great!
Posted by Will September 13 at 10:39 AM
The time and location work for me.
I would rather see some empty seats than have too few, so I would favor the 20 person room. It is a month away, so we might see a lot more interest by the time it happens.
Posted by Will September 13 at 10:42 AM
@Philip-- AI would be a good venue, pretty centralized and I think parking for those who drive would be easier than downtown, even on a Sunday.
Posted by Jevelyan September 13 at 7:06 PM
The SeaBUG I went to, 8 registered online, about 15 or 16 showed up.
3 to 6pm sounds good to me.
Posted by Philip September 13 at 11:12 PM
Seems like there is no opposition to the date and time, so I'll go ahead and send AI the info. If they reply positively, then I'll set the date and location up at the top and update this discussion.
First official meeting will be set for: October 14, 2012. 3pm - 6pm. With an estimated attendance of 25 people.
Posted by upretirementman September 24 at 1:06 PM
Sunday's are a bad deal for me. I cannot come unless the time is after !:00 pm and done by 4:00 pm. Sorry.
Posted by Philip September 24 at 4:55 PM
Ok, what other days/times are you available?
Posted by Philip September 24 at 7:42 PM
I got through to the dean at AI, and he would like similar information. But it seems that we have a conflict in the meetup schedule. I'll hold my response to the dean until the conflict is resolved.
Posted by Philip September 24 at 10:57 PM
Generally I would prefer Saturdays over Sundays (but I can make Sundays work for me, although for a limited time).