Creation date: Oct 15, 2012 6:37am Last modified date: Oct 25, 2012 8:59pm Last visit date: Jan 14, 2025 9:22am
9 / 20 posts
Jan 11, 2013 ( 1 post ) 1/11/2013
Multiversal Empires Collaboration Project (jenuvyel)
Even if we don't have any problems filling the 15-minute social breaks with glib socializing (which I'm confident we won't)...
Some possible quick topics for conversation might include any of the virtual lexicon of initialisms, names, terms and a sundry other non-layman linguistics that riddle the Blender (and other 3D suites') landscape... just enough to quickly familiarize, like maybe 30 seconds to a couple of minutes each, so it all becomes less and less a foreign language.
What the heck is GLSL or BSDF?
Who the hell is Fresnel?
Why do they call it UV?
… Biods?
Even familiarizing newbs on otherwise common-enough words with Blender specific meanings, like translate, origin, normal and I'm sure others that aren't on the top of my head right now.
And, if we've planned certain endeavors ahead of time, we can focus on related verbiage. For example, whenever we explore animation, we can mention things like IK or Spline-IK, IPO, etc.
Oct 25, 2012 ( 1 post ) 10/25/2012
Philip Modin (philmaker)
I recently watched a video from the Blender Conference about Camera Tracking. It seems like they overhauled a lot of it. I'll need more time to check out the new features before I can make a presentation, and I doubt I can do that by November's meeting. Maybe we can start with something simpler for November. Oct 21, 2012 ( 1 post ) 10/21/2012
Multiversal Empires Collaboration Project (jenuvyel)
If this discussion is about an alternative standard meeting format, can I make a small suggestion that might help avoid confusion (even if it is only my confusion)? Rename this discussion, “Standard Meeting Format Alternative 2,” or something quite similar. Because, whatever format we decide to use for Meeting 002, we also need to discuss Agenda 002. And, an unconfused title for that discussion would be, “Agenda 002 Proposals.” I think it would be easier to discuss both separately.
As for “Standard Meeting Format Alternative 2,” I don't see anything wrong with it. However, we might not need or want two 15-minute social breaks in a 3-hour period. I understand how that nicely sandwiches between the three blocks. But, 30 minutes seems a little much. Just a thought. Oct 16, 2012 ( 1 post ) 10/16/2012
Philip Modin (philmaker)
I wouldn't mind coming early to setup and leaving later to clean up.
I would prepare a presentation of my compositing workflow, but I used a couple of Adobe products in the process. I'll see if I can figure out how to do it all in Blender.
Oct 15, 2012 ( 5 posts ) |