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Agenda 002 Proposals

15 Minutes - Pre-Lab Setup: Get lab Blender-ready.

First Hour - Open Blender Social - Have fun, show and tell, etc.


15 Minute Social Break


2nd Hour - Hybrid Tutorial/Lessons/Lecture - Beginner/Intermediate Topics:  (Use the comments to suggest a topic.)

15 Minute Social Break


3rd Hour - Workshop - In-depth/Advanced Topics:  (Use the comments to suggest a topic.)


15 Minutes Admin Wrap-Up: Clean-up lab, take care of business, etc.

Creation date: Oct 25, 2012 8:44pm     Last modified date: Oct 25, 2012 8:51pm   Last visit date: Feb 17, 2025 12:31am
5 / 20 posts
Nov 5, 2012  ( 2 posts )  
Nate Sullivan (irishspacemonk)

Been super busy with work - but I still think a really basic focus on modeling with Blender would make a good Block 2. I think "How to set up a USB stick for PorBUG" would make a great article for


For modeling - I noticed from our first meeting that we all liked seeing how people modeled a project, or a challenge with modeling, and since this is the basic first step into 3D, it could be fun. I'm currently working through the Blenderella DVD lessons and realizing - man Angela can model...and there's a lot to learn.


As far as the video cut...I'll bring a rough cut - as a Blender file - then we can pass it off to whomever, based on feedback.

Multiversal Empires Collaboration Project (jenuvyel)


Any alternative suggestions?  Any feedback?


Oh, and I thought I had responded to i_monk's request for volunteers to cut a Blender overview, but evidently neglected it:  "I've never made any such overviews or similar video presentations before.  That would be another thing that I'm willing to learn.  Regardless of who is able and volunteers, the group might/should brainstorm it's contents.  Doing so on a 'rough cut' would be easier"

Oct 28, 2012  ( 1 post )  
Multiversal Empires Collaboration Project (jenuvyel)

Since this will be the first meeting to have meat on the Blender bone, so to speak, basics and beginnings would make a nice theme.  If this is agreeable...


BLOCK 2:  "What's in it for the newbies?"  What are we going to teach newbs when they show up?  What's necessary and what's extraneous?  What basic tips and tricks might any of us remind or enlighten the rest of us?  What might we put on our website, if anything, that would serve to prep some newbs before coming to meetings?


What more can we do to welcome newbs?  Like one of us descretely volunteer to sit next to each newb to offer quiet guidance throughout the meeting.  Or like offering them to borrow a memory stick prepped with 'ready-to-install' Blender, GIMP, handy web addresses, basic video tutorials, related and instructional .blend files, etc...


BLOCK 3:  "The Absolute Beginnings."  What you get and What you want immediately after launching Blender; User Preferences.



Oct 25, 2012  ( 2 posts )  
Portland Blender User Group (porbug)

philmaker writes:


I recently watched a video from the Blender Conference about Camera Tracking. It seems like they overhauled a lot of it. I'll need more time to check out the new features before I can make a presentation, and I doubt I can do that by November's meeting. Maybe we can start with something simpler for November.

Portland Blender User Group (porbug)

irishspacemonk previously asked:


1. Anyone interested in cutting together a 10 minute Blender Reel/Capabilities overview? If no volunteers, I'll raise my hand and put togther a rough cut that other's can comment on and we can refine. Unless there's something out there. I know Jonathan Williamson at Blender Cookie does some good overviews, but they're often long.


2. Anyone want to prepare some lessons/tutorials/lectures on beginner/intermediate topics? I'd love to see Philip's approach to compositing live action; Jen's texture painting? Modeling?


3. Advanced Topic: Any area that any of us feel we're a bit more advanced in? It could be until we have guests this hour is just a carry over of the 2nd hour.