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Meeting Minutes October 2012
COOKEN AGENDA FOR October 13th, 2012
1. Call to order by Mike Mickelson, KD8DZ.
2. Ask members to introduce themselves and any visitors. Members present: K8NQ, N8WL, W8NM, KD8DZ, W8ATA, N8DSQ, KD8OMU
3. Minutes of the September 15th meeting are on the COOKEN Web site.
4. Treasurer's Report as of September 15th, 2012.
a. Report. $622.54 savings, $18.00 cash on hand …$640.54 bal. ADDED TODAY +15 for Sullivan + 72
(includes Katz and Barsky dues and contributions toward HexBeam (rebates contributed to the treasury
b. Current membership count 19.
5. President's report/Remarks:
A. November QST, some interesting articles
PSK31—A Different View
Have Fun Building the Simplest Transmitter (using the venerable 6V6)
Frequency Measuring Test (November 11th)
B. Discussed recent FCC PRM which would change grace period for renewal of expired licenses, reduction
of number of VECs, credit for previous tests taken to renew expired licenses etc.
6. Committee Reports and Announcements
a. PA QSO Party, OCT 13-14 (contest is currently under way with, W3HKK, AC8GX, AC8GI,
K8EM. Sat: 12N to 12 M, Sun: 9:00 EDT to 18:00 EDT). Help wanted, apply at AC8GX QTH.
Otherwise provide contacts on: SSB 1.850, 3.825, 7.200 MHz, CW 1.810, 3.540, and 7.040 MHz.
b. CQ WWDX SSB Contest OCT 27-28
7. Old Business:
Note that we will vote on the changes to the constitution and by-laws at our Nov. 10th Meeting. Vote in person or
by mail or by email to . Changes mainly address change of FCC regs. On trustees for club
8. New Business: None.
9. VE Exam session:
a. We have recently announced the VE exam session for November 10th starting at 13:00 EDT. (After brief
meeting to vote on constitution and by-laws. Contact Brad at and reserve a spot by
October 22nd 2012. Club members may reserve tests for upgrades to General and Extra class licenses.
b. Eldon will be holding training sessions for CERT members who wish to test for Technician Class licenses. He
would like to have additional Elmers to assist the CERT members who have enrolled in his classes on the 21st
and the 28th of October. 1:00 to 4:00. Sessions will be held in the basement of the County Building on 2nd
street each day from 1-4 PM.
10. Meeting adjournment.
11. Program:
Getting going with fldigi: K8NQ, N8WL, and KD8DZ
Program consisted in a power point presentation by Weldon, K8NQ. N8WL and KD8DZ set up two stations operating into dummy loads. Each station was connected to a computer running fldigi, flmsg, and flwrap. N8WL interfaced using a direct connection to his level input and output on his K3. KD8DZ interfaced using a SignalLink USB between the computer and his IC-7000. SignalLink connection to the IC-7000 was via the data port. No special set up was required to key the PTT. Both N8WL and KD8DZ required some computer setup changes to be able to send messages. Eventually problems were solved and several messages using flmsg and flwrap programs were accomplished.
This was a successful meeting, we just wish more of our members were present. However, the PA-QSO Party conflicted with the club meeting. Perhaps we should run this program in another venue such as an ARES Meeting to help additional members to get up to speed with this useful program.
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