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bug feedback - test
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Creation date: Apr 21, 2005 6:34am Last modified date: Mar 10, 2011 10:45am Last visit date: Jan 31, 2025 9:31pm
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Apr 24, 2005 ( 1 post )
Robert Carr (robert)
Rick, I've put the comment below that you haven't done yet into a document in my folder called "Changes to Modify folders".
Apr 23, 2005 ( 1 post )
Robert Carr (robert)
All this "Modify Folders" unctionality is looking really great.
Here are a few more text string tweaks I noticed:
1. on the delete subscreen, change the word "type" to "typing" in this sentence:
"Delete folder Family and all of its documents by type the word 'delete'"
2. on the Rename, Combine and Delete subscreen, this following text
string appears above the list of documents in the folder. I think
this text string needs to be customized for each of these screens as
follows: Currently this way: The following Docs are in the <name> folder and will have the new name
that is entered. New Rename: The following Docs are in the <name> folder and will remain in this folder after it is renamed. New Combine: The following Docs are in the <name> folder and will be transferred into the second folder.
New Delete: The following Docs are in the <name> folder and will be deleted along with the folder if you proceed with this command.
[note: yes, I think you should have this Delete text message
appear in red]
Apr 21, 2005 ( 3 posts )
Richard Carr (richard)
I did all of your last email, you might want to check it out. Rich
1) on the current Folder Settings page that lists all the folder names, is it easy to allow a click on the folder icon to do the same thing as clicking on the green name? I think you should do this. Let's encourage them to click on the icons whereever they are! --------------------------- 2) Here's the new names:
Button: Modify Folders Page that lists all folder names: Choose Folder to Modify Page that gives 4 options to modify folders: Modify Folders
The text on the Page that lists all folder names should be:
Click on a folder to Rename, Combine or Delete it, or adjust it's share settings.
click on it's green name.
---------------------- 3) we need to change the text on the "Share Folders" screen - you get there by clicking on blue bar "Share" and then clicking on option 4. It should now read as:
To Share a whole folder - useful whenever you want to share multiple documents with the same group of friends
1. Choose an application by clicking on its name in the blue command bar (above this page).
2. Click on the "Modify Folders" button. OR 3. Click on the folder icon displaed next to any green folder name.
------------------------- 4) The actual screen for Combine Folder needs a little tweaking from my original spec. The first sentence should read: Place all of the documents from folder <folder name> into a second folder specified by you
And below the type in box put this sentence:
" Note: the folder <folder name> will be deleted once it's documents have been safely transferred into the second folder."
-------------------------- 5) Change all buttons at bottom of these screens to be Update and Cancel. We should use either "Submit" or "Update" consistently throughout all KeepAndShare. Which do you prefer?
Richard Carr (richard)
Robert Carr (robert)
Rick, hi, this is a starter message. Whenever I find a little bug I'll put it in this dicsussion thread.
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