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Benefits of Sex With a Sex Doll

Creation date: Dec 31, 2023 1:08pm     Last modified date: Dec 31, 2023 1:08pm   Last visit date: Jan 3, 2025 6:52pm
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Dec 31, 2023  ( 1 post )  
Santo SEo (seosanto7)

As mentioned above, sex with sex toys is great and can be emotionally intimate. It's also very easy to make sure it doesn't happen again. You can experiment with different positions, types of sex and special lubricants.


You can even change the clothes, wigs and sometimes the proportions of your sex dolls. By doing these things, you will be able to ensure that your experience will not be repeated and may even be better than the first time.


Now let's talk about the benefits of having sex with anime adult toys. First, it's much easier to experiment with. Your real human partner may not be so open to some ideas like anal sex or different positions.


You won't run into any problems with your sex doll when it comes down to it. Always wanted to try anal sex but your girlfriend said no? A kanadoll won't say no to you. She has no say in what you decide to do with her.


If you are in a relationship, you may also benefit from having a sex doll. Adding a sex doll to your erotic life can be a fresh and exciting experience. It can also be a great practice before trying a triple. Either way, it's a win-win situation.


As you can see, you can throw out all the popular opinions that sex with a sex doll cannot be emotionally intimate. It doesn't matter if you want to try it for the first time or if you have been using a sex doll for a long time; it's always a fantastic experience.


To sum it all up and answer the question in the title. How does it feel to have sex with a sex doll? It's an amazing feeling and you should try it. you will not regret.

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