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Chronic Epididymitis Case: How Does It Happen?



There are two types of epididymitis, acute epididymitis and chronic epididymitis. Epididymitis is a relatively common clinical condition characterized by inflammation of the epididymis. Epididymitis that is acute is characterized by pain and swelling, while epididymitis that is chronic may only cause pain.


Among the etiological factors of acute Chronic epididymitis case are infectious and noninfectious factors, such as urinary obstruction, drug use, or idiopathic factors. All adult age groups are isolated from Chlamydia trachomatis as the most common cause of acute epididymitis caused by bacterial ascent through the urogenital tract.


Men tend to have fewer urinary tract infections, but they are more likely to contract acute epididymitis caused by bacteria. The bacteria usually get to the epididymis by moving back through the urinary and reproductive structures (retrograde) such as the urethra, prostate, and vas deferens into the epididymis.


There are rare cases in which the infection enters the bloodstream and reaches the epididymis.


It is estimated that two-thirds of acute cases of Chlamydia trachomatis occur in sexually active individuals. Neisseria gonorrhoeae and enteric bacteria such as E. coli (or other bacteria that cause urinary tract infections) account for the remaining two-thirds. E. coli often causes epididymitis in men over 35 if the urinary tract is blocked.


Patients with HIV infection are at higher risk of contracting Ureaplasma, Mycobacterium, cytomegalovirus, or Cryptococcus. Infections with E. coli are easier to contract in boys before puberty, older men, and men who engage in rectal intercourse. Bacteria are most often the cause of pain on only one side of the scrotum.


There are also non-infectious causes. An infection with enterovirus, adenovirus or Mycoplasma pneumoniae may result in inflammation with obstruction of the ejaculatory ducts. In children, sterile urine can cause inflammation with obstruction of the ejaculatory ducts. Among the rare non-infectious causes of chronic epididymitis are sarcoidosis (more common in black men) and Behçet's disease.


Epididymitis can be caused by genito-urinary surgery, including prostatectomy and urinary catheterization. Vasectomy-induced congestive epididymitis can also result from drugs like amiodarone.


Anyhow, people should seek medical attention right away if they are experiencing epididymitis. She has been treating male and female reproductive and urinary system diseases for 30 years. She offers professional treatment and suggestions to people.


Chronic epididymitis is a condition characterized by long-term inflammation of the epididymis, a coiled tube located behind the testicles. Unlike acute epididymitis, which typically resolves with prompt treatment, chronic epididymitis persists for weeks to months and may recur intermittently. Symptoms include persistent testicular pain, swelling, and discomfort, which can impact daily activities and quality of life. Learn more




Symptoms of chronic epididymitis may be caused by recurrent urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted infections, structural anomalies of the urinary tract, or autoimmune disorders. The diagnosis is based on a medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic tests such as urine analysis and ultrasound imaging to rule out other conditions.


The treatment aims to reduce inflammation, alleviate symptoms, and address the underlying causes of the condition. When severe cases occur, surgical intervention may be required, as well as pain management with anti-inflammatory medications, antibiotics if infection is present. For chronic epididymitis to be managed effectively and for patient comfort and well-being to be improved, urologists, primary care physicians, and other healthcare providers often need to collaborate.



Creation date: Jan 30, 2024 5:27am     Last modified date: Jan 30, 2024 5:30am   Last visit date: Feb 6, 2025 11:35pm