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Is it easy to publish a blog from a mobile device? Undoubtedly, yes. Next, we will see some tricks and tools.

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A few days ago we said, here in Weblog Magazine, within the Predictions on social media for 2014, that the year just launched will be that of new mobile devices such as smart watches (smartswatch) or, betting more ambitiously, that of Google glasses. Today, we are no longer chained to a desktop computer, or even a laptop. Technology allows us, and that is already a reality, to publish content on a blog using our mobile phone or tablet.

There are blogging platforms specially designed to publish from a mobile device, such as Tumblr. It is supposed that publishing on your blog from a mobile phone with Internet access is recommended if the contents are to be short and immediate (short texts, photos or even videos). Nothing that cannot be published on Twitter, you will be thinking. But it is that the microblogging already existed long before the little blue bird. Bloggers already published "asides" or miniposts in 2002 and we had mini-blogs inserted in the side columns of our blogs.

It is also not necessary to use a blog publishing system, not even the Tumblr style, to have a blog and publish from your smartphone or tablet. Just be registered in Evernote and publish your synchronized notes in Read more about these types of systems in The 9 blogging systems you should try.

In general, what we are going to see next will help you to share content in a short format on your blog, in the event that you are away from your home or office. And since WordPress is the most popular blogging platform, we must ask ourselves how to easily upload our content from a mobile device if our blog is hosted on it.

First of all, it is best to install one of the applications specially developed to manage a WordPress blog from a mobile device. With this, the process of publishing texts, photos and videos from your mobile phone or tablet is streamlined.

Figure 1: Configure the publication by e-mail by typing POP3 mail server, account name, password and category of the post.

Another extremely simple and straightforward way to post to your WordPress blog from a mobile device is using email. To post to WordPress by email, you must create an account with POP3 access and any message received will be published on the blog. In order to keep away from the spamers said account must be secret. The configuration is made in the section "Settings> Writing> Publish by email" (see figure 1). The subject of the email will be the title of the post and the content what you write within the body of the message.


Is it easy to publish a blog from a mobile device? Undoubtedly, yes. Next, we will see some tricks and tools.
Home Office, Workstation, Office, Business, Notebook
A few days ago we said, here in Weblog Magazine, within the Predictions on social media for 2014, that the year just launched will be that of new mobile devices such as smart watches (smartswatch) or, betting more ambitiously, that of Google glasses . Today, we are no longer chained to a desktop computer, or even a laptop. Technology allows us, and that is already a reality, to publish content on a blog using our mobile phone or tablet.

There are blogging platforms specially designed to publish from a mobile device, such as Tumblr. It is supposed that publishing on your blog from a mobile phone with Internet access is recommended if the contents are to be short and immediate (short texts, photos or even videos). Nothing that cannot be published on Twitter, you will be thinking. But it is that the microblogging already existed long before the little blue bird. Bloggers already published "asides" or miniposts in 2002 and we had mini-blogs inserted in the side columns of our blogs.

It is also not necessary to use a blog publishing system, not even the Tumblr style, to have a blog and publish from your smartphone or tablet. Just be registered in Evernote and publish your synchronized notes in Read more about these types of systems in The 9 blogging systems you should try.

In general, what we are going to see next will help you to share content in a short format on your blog, in the event that you are away from your home or office. And since WordPress is the most popular blogging platform, we must ask ourselves how to easily upload our content from a mobile device if our blog is hosted on it.

First of all, it is best to install one of the applications specially developed to manage a WordPress blog from a mobile device. With this, the process of publishing texts, photos and videos from your mobile phone or tablet is streamlined.
An amazing site to learn how to

Figure 1: Configure the publication by e-mail by typing POP3 mail server, account name, password and category of the post.

Another extremely simple and straightforward way to post to your WordPress blog from a mobile device is using email. To post to WordPress by email, you must create an account with POP3 access and any message received will be published on the blog. In order to keep away from the spamers said account must be secret. The configuration is made in the section "Settings> Writing> Publish by email" (see figure 1). The subject of the email will be the title of the post and the content what you write within the body of the message.

Macbook, Notebook, Home Office, Workstation, Office

Creation date: Apr 2, 2020 2:01pm     Last modified date: Apr 2, 2020 2:05pm   Last visit date: Jan 28, 2025 1:07am