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Creation date: Feb 5, 2021 7:49am Last modified date: Feb 5, 2021 7:49am Last visit date: Feb 12, 2025 5:10pm
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Feb 5, 2021 ( 1 post, 2 replies latest Jun 6, 2023 )
Collin Sullivan (thesullivan)
Detecthistory provides the most detailed metal detectors and accesories reviews. Checking them before starting a new hobby is a must!
Jaden Smith (jadensmith)
Hi friends, thank you all for this topic. I just recently started getting interested in the topic of metal detectors and want to start doing it full time too. I was wondering how to choose a good metal detector and what you need to know for this whole business?
Bora Los (boralos)
Choosing a good metal detector depends on several factors, including your level of experience, the type of metal detecting you plan to do, and your budget. Decide what type of metal detecting you want to do. Are you interested in coin shooting, relic hunting, beach searching, gold hunting, or something else? Each type of metal detecting requires different characteristics from a metal detector, so it's important to choose a detector designed specifically for your type of hunting. But of course, it's best to start with a Metal Detector for Beginners. Also choose a reputable brand with good customer support and warranty. You may also want to look at the availability of replacement parts and accessories. Good luck, I hope my answer helped you!
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