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The scientific basis for the benefits of reading printing books

Creation date: May 16, 2021 6:18pm     Last modified date: May 16, 2021 6:18pm   Last visit date: Jan 9, 2025 9:06pm
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May 16, 2021  ( 1 post )  
Bookprintingchina Bookprintingchina (mayee9009)



In recent years, there has been a resurgence in reading printing books. According to scientific research, reading paper books is good for readers' brain and mind health. Someone once said that printing has even become a means of scientific revival, providing conditions for the development of spiritual civilization. There are many book printing companies in china, and they all provide high-quality book printing service china to the printing industry.



Let's learn together to see what are the benefits of printed books, and what is its significance?


1. Absorb more information

According to a study done in Italy in 2014, readers who use paper books can remember more content than readers of e-books. It will also get better results in empathy, immersion, and understanding of narratives. Scientists believe that this effect is related to the tactile sensation of holding a book in the hand.


2. Can help children become better readers

Another study on children from three to five years old showed that when parents read a story from an e-book rather than a printing book, the childrens understanding of the story is worse, and it is even not conducive to enhancing the parent-child relationship. Researchers infer that this is because children are distracted by electronic devices and have a harder time concentrating on storybooks.


3. Make the eyes more comfortable

Considering that many jobs in today's society require people to stare at the computer screen all day, causing excessive eye fatigue. In fact, reading a printing book properly in your free time can give your eyes a full rest, which is conducive to healthy eyesight. A survey of 429 college students showed that nearly half of them complained of sore eyes after reading digital books, and reading under electronic screens is more likely to cause eye fatigue.


4. Make people more attentive

Those who read e-books tend to be more easily disturbed, and digital reading tends to spend more time scanning keywords, rather than the content they are reading. In contrast, paper books are not distracted by links or by some highlighted text.

According to a survey, 67% of college students multitask while reading digitally, compared with only 41% of printed books.


5. Helps sleep

Studies have shown that when you are in the dark, the blue light on the screen can disrupt melatonin levels and circadian rhythms, making it more difficult for you to fall asleep. In general, brain activity when reading paper books can help you fall asleep faster. So, if you want a good night's sleep, keep reading printing books.


6. Promote learning progress

According to a study of readers from 42 countries, students who read more printed books at home are more likely to score higher on the exam. No matter how many books you have, every book can help children perform better in school. Researchers believe that this is because family reading encourages children to have fun through reading and talk to their parents about what they have learned, which will only benefit them in the classroom.


7. The fun of magnified reading

A recent study of college students in the United States, Slovakia, Japan, and Germany showed that 92% of participants liked actual printed books, and they were more willing to pick up and touch them at any time.


The printing of paper books has a long history. After years of inheritance and innovation, it is becoming more and more scientific and technological. And provide new means for humans to obtain and process information. So, through the above statement, I believe you have a certain understanding of the meaning and role of book printing. Now do you want to make your first book printing in chinaTouch us immediately to know more about the information for book printing.