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The US Armed Forces and American Muslim in Its Ranks


America is a society in the cross streets. At one end, it's being surrounded by Muslim radicals that have pledged to ruin the 'great Satan' significance the USA and in the opposite end a substantial number of elephants and a few of whites have converted to Islam in the USA itself. The simple fact is that the Muslims as a portion would be the fastest growing community in the united states along with the blacks after centuries of subjugation are now claiming themselves and one way they've followed, is by turning to Islam. Recall Cassius Clay converted to Islam 40 decades ago, to prick a fist in the white Americans.


Wars together with Muslim Nations


The United States is involved in wars against the Muslims around the Planet. Even though it isn't a war against Islam per se, however the majority of the opponents of the USA are Muslim Nations. So America is embroiled in a war in Afghanistan and has been combating a terrorist movement in Iraq, following the second Gulf war and ouster of Saddam Hussain. Another variable is that a militant Iran, Syria and Yemen. A fringe in Pakistan headed by the Haqqani faction is searching for methods to destabilize America.


Manpower Shortage


In this situation there's a demand for extra manpower to the US armed forces. Together with the draft (compulsory military service) a narrative previously, the united states armed forces are confronting guy power crunch. To wave these guy power troubles, the USA has opened its doors to all religions and races. The outcome is that considerable numbers of Muslims have joined the Armed forces. The going was great provided that the USA wasn't involved in wars with Muslim countries, but after that began, the Muslims in the US armed forces endured a injury. They had double loyalties since Islam is a faith that transcends boundaries. 


Muslims in US Armed Forces


Following the carnage in Fort Hood in which a military Important called Nidal Hussain gunned down 13 of his coworkers since he believed that combating war against Muslim countries was unfair, the United States military is uncomfortable. No military can fight a conflict if it's an enemy within its own positions. By that act the issues in America military have come into the end. Get more info about Muslim news.


There are approximately 5-7 million Muslims from the USA and their numbers are rising. The US military has approximately 10,000 Muslims in its own ranks. That is a small amount compared to the general potency of 1.4 million, but they're sufficient to make a hassle. The military is beset with an issue as some Muslim troops detailed for duty in Afghanistan plead in accordance with the Muslim habit five times every day. In a battle scenario that becomes a responsibility. Additionally, Muslims desire special status throughout the entire month of Ramadan. Can the military call a truce, not fight in this age? For the matter can any military do this?


Cases are now coming out that soldiers detailed to struggle in Iraq and Afghanistan believe its wrong to fight against their own brothers. Many American Muslim soldiers also have conscientious objections. There's not any alternative in sight. An Army sergeant comprehensive for combat duty in Kuwait against Iraq was so incensed he threw a grenade and killed 2 officers and wounded 14.


These are the instances that come outside, but there are tens of thousands who find a fact aren't pleased to fight with their brethren in any way. The US military is in a problem. Despite assertions from the Chief of employees, the simple fact is that the USA whilst fighting against Muslim countries will have one hand tied behind its back if Muslim troops are in combat assignments. 


The Future


The Muslims were prepared recruits after the USA was fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan, but this is history. The new strain of converts is much more fanatic and feels that a brotherhood and do not wish to kill fellow Muslims. The US Armed Forces will need to tide over this issue by itself. How can they get it done? Is there a loyalty test? The liberty enshrined in America constitution won't permit it, as America is a free society. Maybe the United States military will in its very own way locate an option, but it will not be easy. visit here:

Creation date: Jun 5, 2021 7:03am     Last modified date: Jun 5, 2021 7:03am   Last visit date: Jan 20, 2025 2:45am