Creation date: Oct 5, 2021 3:17am Last modified date: Oct 5, 2021 3:17am Last visit date: Aug 28, 2024 3:34pm
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Oct 5, 2021 ( 1 post ) 10/5/2021
Daisy Green (daisygreenmanager)
Your child spends some time playing online games on his computer and you don't really like it ... especially since most of the online games that interest him are social games (or social games). that is, games that are played by several people. And now, social games, you really dislike it! Admit, if social games have a negative image in your eyes, it's because you fear that your little screen gamer will become a horrible, associable geek who stays for hours in his room in his pajamas in front of his screen instead of discovering the real one. life with real friends! But if these social games bring together so many users, can we not wonder if they would not have beneficial effects for the player?
The benefits of online social games
1- Socialize during interactions with other players
2- Analyze, study the other to understand the opponent
3- Learn to work in a team In addition, network games are all community-based and seek to involve the knowledge of the player who is there to play but also to share!
4- Express yourself, assert yourself
He will exchange more readily, be more comfortable with the players, whether they are male or female!
5- Promote yourself
Ever since the computer got popular kids have been asking the question, "Why are games so important in learning and getting better at?" Games are fun and they provide some basic cognitive and emotional skills that we can use to learn and interact with other people. We all know that games have always had a social purpose, and today that purpose is even more important. We know that most kids like to play games with friends or family and that games make us human beings by allowing us to connect with others and giving us a chance to socialize. That is why parents are paying more attention to what their kids are playing and how they are interacting and this has been a long time coming.
Another interesting question is how do games make us strategists? One way that this comes about is because games require problem solving skills, and we all have a inherent interest in mastering complicated problems. We are not born with these skills, but we develop them as we go through life. We can see how games can help us in developing these skills. For instance, chess is a game of strategy and many professional players say that it is one of the most difficult games to master.
But do we actually need to master chess in order to understand how do games make us strategists? One thing that a lot of researchers have found is that people who enjoy chess actually perform better at real world scenarios than those who do not. That means that even if you do not have any desire to become a grandmaster player, you could benefit from learning the strategies of the game and applying them to your own life. Just remember that no matter how complicated a game may be, there is always a strategy to it. Source: https://wayssay.com/how-do-games-make-us-strategists/ |