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How do I increase productivity of offshore teams?

Creation date: Nov 16, 2022 5:23am     Last modified date: Nov 16, 2022 5:23am   Last visit date: Jan 27, 2025 6:08pm
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Nov 16, 2022  ( 1 post )  
Mastech Digital (mathurolivia)


When it comes to increasing the productivity of offshore teams, it really boils down to understanding your team members and their roles in the organization. Knowing what capabilities each person ticks will help motivate offshore teams toward better productivity.


  • Assignment of tasks


In order to increase productivity in offshore teams, it is important to assign tasks properly. This means considering the skills and experiences of each team member, as well as the workload that can be reasonably handled by each person.

While assigning tasks, it is important to keep communication channels open so that team members can ask questions and provide feedback. This will ensure that all tasks are well understood by the employees and that they can complete them effectively.


  • Training new people


When it comes to training new people, there are a few things you can do to increase the productivity of your offshore team. Firstly, define clear expectations with respect to the role they will be playing within the team. This will ensure that everyone is on the same page from the beginning itself. Secondly, create clear and concise training material to help your team hit the ground running and not get bogged down by unnecessary details. Finally, make yourself available for questions and follow-ups as needed. By taking these steps, you can help ensure that your team is productive from day one.


  • Cross-pollination


In order to create a more productive offshore talent team, it is important to encourage the cross-pollination of ideas. This can be done through regular brainstorming sessions, encouraging employees to share best practices, and setting up knowledge-sharing platforms.


  • Brainstorming Sessions


Regular brainstorming sessions are essential for generating new ideas and keeping the team creative. During these sessions, all members of the team must feel free to share their ideas openly. The best ideas should be further explored and developed.


  • Encourage Employees to Share Best Practices


Employees should be encouraged to share best practices with each other. This will help everyone on the team to learn from each other and improve their individual productivity levels.


  • Creation of shared language


Successful offshore staffing has a shared language that everyone understands. This can be created in several ways, including:


-Using a tool like Google Translate to provide real-time translations of conversations.

-Designating specific team members as "language ambassadors" who are responsible for ensuring that everyone understands what is being said.

-Conduct regular training sessions on key terminology and phrases.

-Encouraging team members to ask questions when they don't understand something.

