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Heart & Mind Festival: The Sacred Woman Uniting Spiritual Leaders from Around the World to Honor the

Heart and Mind Festival is honored to present The Sacred Woman, a special event to celebrate the Summer Solstice and the beauty and wisdom of the Divine Feminine. Heart & Mind Festival is a quarterly festival founded by Taino elder Maestro Manuel Rufino of M.A.I.S.C,, A.U.M., Golden Drum, and Sacred Arts Research Foundation.


The Festival invites everyone to join and explore the Sacred Woman through different global traditions with elders, teachers, indigenous wisdom keepers, artists, philosophers, and freethinkers from around the globe. This event will start on Friday, June 14th, 2019 from 5PM -10PM and on Saturday, June 15th, 2019 from 11AM -10PM.


Among the presenters is World-renowned speaker and author Deepak Chopra. Deepak is an expert in the field of mind body healing and was dubbed by Time magazine as "the poet-prophet of alternative medicine”.


Another pivotal presenter to note is Chief Arvol Looking Horse of the Sioux Nation, Keeper of the Sacred White Buffalo Calf Pipe. Chief Arvol Looking Horse is the author of White Buffalo Teachings and a guest columnist for Indian Country Today. A determined and vigorous believer of maintaining traditional spiritual practices, Chief Looking Horse also founded the Big Foot Riders which honors the massacre of Big Foot’s band at Wounded Knee. Paula Looking Horse will also be at the event. She is an accomplished traditional Dakota singer and artist who has been involved in Indian rights advocacy for more than 20 years.


The Sacred Woman event will be an interactive experience that will include rituals, concerts, meditations, lectures, and panel discussions as they relate to the role of the divine feminine in sacred indigenous traditions. Attendees will learn about each presenters’ visions, wisdom, and ways of life. The Heart & Mind Festival is not only a celebration. As a global movement, this serves as a participatory event that aims to educate its audience through collaborative experiences key specific workshops and lectures from renowned presenters. There will also be presentation of sacred rituals and musical concerts that will help set the festival’s mood all throughout the weekend.


All participants are expected to engage with artists, musicians, entrepreneurs, teachers, visionaries, healers, and freethinkers in celebrating and cultivating their own personal selves for the universal good of all. Everyone is invited to join and be part of an event that will celebrate the Sacred Woman and be awaken on the path of consciousness.


For more info, Visit this link:


Amanda Capobianco
Secretary at Sacred Arts Research Foundation

Creation date: Nov 29, -0001 4:07pm     Last modified date: May 27, 2019 9:36pm   Last visit date: Feb 3, 2025 6:18pm
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