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Greening Camps and the Trillion Trees Initiative

Many scientists confirming Greening Deserts concepts and projects to plant billions or even a trillion trees to improve the climate and to reduce global warming in a large scale. It is maybe the cheapest and most effective solution, so like regreening drylands and wastelands with different kinds of resistant and typical plants with ballons and drones - the basis for following tree plantations and mixed forests. Another way is to use bamboo and hemp to loosen the soils and to produce topsoil layers in the first years. Explained it often enough on our project pages. It's really time that the projects finally get real active and financial support to start with the first CleanTech, Forestation, GreenTech, Research and Greening Camps during the next years, primarely in Europe and Africa to prevent or reduce deforestation, desertification, droughts and land degradation. Trees need time to grow so the camps cannot be started quickly enough, for example with fast track funding and procedures.


With financial support the projects like the Greening and Research Camps could finally start with forestation and greening of drylands or wastelands in Europe and Africa. The Greening Camp project development is running since 2018 and after successful funding in 2019 the project can start fast as possible to build the first pilot camp. Building a basic camp with a little team needs approx three to nine months, depends on the conditions and region. Greening and forestation of each concerned region starts from the very beginning, so like planting trees for the first parks and forests.


Join the Greening Deserts projects and initiatives like the Billion Trees Projects and the Trillion Trees Initiative to reduce negative climate changes, deforestation, droughts, desertification, land degradation, floods and global warming on a large scale - especially in human-made deserts, drylands and wastelands. Let's make the world green again, together!


For more information, Please visit here

Creation date: Nov 29, -0001 4:07pm     Last modified date: Jul 29, 2019 1:13am   Last visit date: Jan 22, 2025 4:28am